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Women are FULL of STD's: Be Careful!

275 Views • 11/29/20
83 Subscribers

⁣This is finally the video where I relate what was told to me about modern women and their STD prevalence. As you'll see in the video, I've been talking with an ex-gynecologist at the gym about his experience during his practice time. The details are not surprising, but I feel it needs to be repeated to these thirsty, pussy-hungry fools that pretend to be MGTOW. The extent to which these women are infested with disease is staggering and hair-raising. The danger is very high when sexing these random whores that don't get tested.

Please heed this warning to be careful, because so many STD's are debilitating and INCURABLE. LOTS of the infertility and disorders in women come from their rampant promiscuity and defiling themselves with Chads who test their limits with degrading, unhygienic sexual acts. What do you think about making out with Chad's dirty asshole? Because that's what Dr. Saloman said you'd be doing [practically] with most of these young women today.

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8 Comments sort Sort By
erick rendoza
erick rendoza
4 years ago

Before cv19 lunacy a few dates i went on living near a navy base divorcees... no sex on first date or ever i asked got an std face to face women are more up front... glade to take my own non trust of women so many here have are carrying cheating husbands come back from sleeping with women while in s korea. Irony over in NK women are forced to marry and made up bs about they have a high aids rate they are not tibet.

4 years ago

Good video, you know your stuff


4 years ago

Makes me happy I didn't conform to the norm. No one would have helped me through this crap.

4 years ago

This makes my dick sad.

4 years ago

One thing i've noticed is that there are a lot of black Mgtow on this site.
For various reasons black males have witnessed and bore the brunt and brutal reality of the redpill.
It makes the vitriol coming out of TFM on almost every show so short sighted.

4 years ago

Thank you for pointing this out [presumably as a non-Black]. When I point out things, from the red-pill perspective of being a Black man, a LOT of the butt-hurt White child-like males [not talking about the majority of the White men, who are awesome on here] will react negatively and say race doesn't matter and other such obvious bullshit. Race matters as much as fucking gender in most of the world, including America.Us Black men have been red-pilled and BLACK-PILLED especially for decades, and almost since we've been present in North America. It's funny how we're of 'Black' ethnicity and we also have always had a 'black-pilled' experience as far as how the ugly side of society and people really is when the gloves are taken off. If people think about it, Black men have been the LEAST privileged and most brutalized people in this nation, since its founding. Even today with all the false equality and racial-justice bullshit, we're still seen as the lowest, especially because the ghetto hoodrats keep ruining our reputation and perception/image the whole world over, thanks to the fucking media. Our families and sanity and security were targeted FIRST as a test population; nobody stopped it or spoke out about it, so now every race is targeted for familial and moral destruction and decimation! That's what happens when people don't speak up for someone else being sabotaged: the saboteurs will perfect their craft, and then come for you with ever higher skill and efficiency!

4 years ago

I actually really like TFM and his philosophical videos, as well as his political theory video series'. TFM actually corrects people on the true reason for the decimation of Black family and culture: targeted welfare and benefits meant to ruin the mother and children. He actually gets the shit. It's in his older videos.

4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: Looks like a video subject. Keep in mind though that Indigenous indians have it worst, but otherwise i agree. It's really unfortunate to see Mgtow, red pill and gamer culture get taken over by NatSoc Hardliners and Identity bullshit, and on top of that there is not many places to run to on the left without running into intersectionality and Critical theory hardliners. Oh well. Beyond defence, none of this makes us money or improves us, so it should always be emotinally sandboxed into entertainment.

4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: That may be, and good to know, I listen more to sandman and startdusk/thinking ape among others, I'm warry of people without some humility or self criticism, even feined and TFM is just 100% gung ho "I'm right." Every video i've popped in on lately has been like highlights of stormfront or /pol/ , white genocide clock included. It strikes me that you realize our very gender is under attack whereas TFM seems to resort to racial appeals among others. Not talking shit about TFM, just pointing out my observations.

4 years ago

@ThinkExecuteProfit: Indigenous Indians were not enslaved and treated inhumanly on absuive, nightmare-inducing plantations for 300+ years. Most of them were killed off with infectious disease; the rest were treated shitty, but they could not survive being slaves, the work was too brutal [Columbus and Pizarro tried]. Objectively, Blacks [men in particular] have had it the worst in the New World. 3.5 million slaves went to Brazil alone; North America only got like 400 to 600 thousand slaves brought over. Most of the slavery went on in Brazil and Latin America; but people usually don't know that [or care to learn]. It's hard to really quantify whose suffering and psychological damage was worse; but in my opinion, Blacks hadit worse. We didn't get reservations and shit; we had our women turned against us, and turned our communities to shit. Much of the violence and hatred coming from Blacks toward Whites comes from those generations of resentment and disregard. America has caused all its own civil problems. Blacks still get the quickest sentencing and longest prison sentences compared to anyone else. Just that alone tells you who has the hardest plight in the nation, not to mention the poverty, discrimination [technically unproveable but it happens a lot every day], etc. The whole world says Black men should stop abandoning families and help the Black woman, but every fucking thing is stacked against us: courts, divorce culture, law enforcement, etc. How can we 'control' our women when the government uses its force to imprison us for an argument or excessive child support? We can't; it's an impossible task, like Sisyphus pushing a boulder up a hill and he never accomplishing anything. Now that White men are having the same types of things happen to them and their families, now it's an existentia problem and it's a 'red-pill' thing. Nobody gave a fuck from the 60's thru the 90's when this was being perfected on Blacks and the Black man in America. People wouldn't listen; people called Black men deadbeats when they were prevented from seeing their children by law. Now the government is coming for ALL races of families, men, and children. Everyting from the law to the culture is targeting the destruction of all families and children's morals; it's too late to stop it now, because they didn't care about it happening to the Blacks. That's karma in action; bad actions or inactions always yield bad consequences and problems. I could go on forever, but this will suffice to make my point.


4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: Yeah, I have seen black men treated like crap by women. They literally use the deadbeat dad stereotype as a weapon. I knew this black guy who decided to sleep in a homeless shelter than stay with his ex-wife. It's that bad. People often use stereotypes against black men in order to get us to conform because they know we want to fit in society. It's a messed up game, but recent events have brought to light how far behind the general culture was.

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