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Women Are More Likely To Cheat On Ugly Men - MGTOW
Sponsor Link: <br>Profit Specialist Group <br>video: <br> <br> <br>Scientific Redpills - Study finds: The uglier you are, the more your wife or girlfriend wants to smash other men when she can get pregnant. <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Alex and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman. Thank you for your hard work. I really appreciate it." Well Alex thanks for the donation and I thought I'd cover a recent post from Going your own way dot com which I've put in the description called: "Scientific Redpills - Study finds: The uglier you are, the more your wife or girlfriend wants to smash other men when she can get pregnant." Here's what someone named GrnB has to say and I quote: "Studies like this are a great read, redpills with scientific evidence. I am going to translate this into normal English. The study title is: “Women's sexual interests across the ovulatory cycle depend on primary partner developmental instability”. Which means The uglier you are, the more your wife or girlfriend wants to be with other men when she can get pregnant. Another key line reads “Normally ovulating women have been found to <br>report greater sexual attraction to men other than their own partners when near ovulation relative to the luteal phase” meaning that normal girlfriends and wives do not want to bang their boyfriend or husband when they can get pregnant. The article continues by saying “In a sample of 54 couples, we found that women whose partners had high developmental instability (high fluctuating asymmetry) had greater attraction to men other than their partners, and less attraction to their own partners, when fertile.” Which means out of 54 couples, girlfriends and wives who had ugly boyfriends or husbands wanted to someone else even more when they were ready to get pregnant. The final line is that “females may sometimes benefit from a strategy in which they secure investment from a long-term mate and obtain genetic benefits from extra-pair partners.” Meaning Betabux and alphafux." unquote. Thank you GrnB for posting that. What I found really funnyg about the way it's worded is that author one Steven Gangestad has to tip toe around the truth. When he says that women will go for a man with more developmental stability it's such a vague term. Does it mean he has low stability when it comes to his career and income? Or does it mean he's looks aren't the best. What exactly is high fluctuating asymmetry. Does that mean his behavior as a provider protector isn't consistent and therefore she isn't happy? Does it mean that his face isn't symmetrical and that the black pilled community is right? That's exactly what it means and it stands for FA. They measured the symmetry of men's ear length, ear width, elbow width, wrist length, length of fingers, ankle width and foot width. The study also concludes that appearance wasn't the only determining factor but male behavior. That women want the complete package or that they are more likely to look elsewhere. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Profit Specialist Group: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Photo Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2. <br> <br>3.
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3 years ago
I thought about society as a whole. If men and women look at each other not lustful but there needs to have attraction but striving to find good attracted nice individuals it will end all the problems. Just like the successful relationship rates before the internet. Sure there is now more competition but people tried to find good individuals at least it was that way during my grandparents day. It will end simping because guys will look for attraction and friendly females but if they don't have a good personality why simp? Once the simps see the majority of what they are about there will be no simp because they are not seeing what they want. Then the females will crave for more attention. If women don't find friendly attractive men that they withhold lust from until further down the relationship then there probably wouldn't be as many cat ladies. People as a whole should bring back old fashion principles. Plus back in the olden days people ate healthier and worked harder than the majority. Plus as society as whole wouldn't be as tempted to cheat since they got into good practice on withholding lust. Just recently thought of that. Sure it is a long shot for that even happen but I think I pinpointed the biggest society flaw to dating.
3 years ago
Well... this study has done nothing but confirm with data what many Men already knew from personal experiences (both our own and that of other Men)
3 years ago
In unrelated news...
Yesterday's Undead Chronic stream can be summed up in 10 words:
Leftist Hag Spurgs Out At Being Called What She Is.
3 years ago
3 years ago
masculists are pushing for the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right) and OPTAB (obligatory paternity testing at birth) for all births. If the husband is not the father, he can reject paying for the kid, using the Parer, and if he has good evidence that the mother lied to him about the kid being his, then he can prosecute her for paternity fraud, a major gender crime against him, that puts her in jail for years, where she has to work, to pay for the costs of her incarceration, and for the costs of the kid who is in jail with her. Women's gender crimes against men are often decades lasting and far more serious than even rape is against women, which is why masculists have such a hatred of women who commit these decades lasting gender crimes against men.
3 years ago