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Women Are Too Picky Today - MGTOW
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Fewer People Are Getting Married Because There's a Shortage Of Economically Stable Single Men Study Says
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation Joel. He sent me a small Patreon donation with no topic so I wanted to cover something that someone named Neipo has to say on Facebook. He attached Yahoo Article link called Fewer People Are Getting Married Because There's a Shortage Of Economically Stable Single Men Study Says and Here's what he has to say about that article, which I've put in the description and I quote: "Sandman I like how they don't even try and hide it anymore. Love isn't real, it never was it was always some kind of financial contract of provider and consumer. In the past fathers would marry their daughters off to wealthy suiters and do so as early as possibly because keeping a woman at home is expensive. I wouldn't even call this a kind of bitterness so much as it's simply fact. Marriage/family is a business contract with a woman. They openly say it is. It's so boring to them that they want to have fun when they are young and only think about marriage when they are old. The really dark and depressing thing is that many of us will simply never be married or have families now. The woman are too old when they finally 'woman up' and realise marriage is a good idea. The men don't want them when they are old. The men are too bitter to love or even have warmth towards women. I mean anyone who has spent the first 25-30 yrs of life facing constant rejection from woman and seen them sleep with thugs, bullies, criminals. It's hard to have any empathy for them at all. They have 100% agency over who they sleep with and they don't choose a morally good man who is family oriented. idk Sandman is this the appocolypse? This really the end of our civilsation? Women became so repulsive physically, so revolting sexually that men just walked away. I mean when we stop having kids the governments just bring in more migrants, who bring in more migrants who change the culture, the society and replace us. It's like we are in a death spiral of factors that spell the end of everything. I don't blame us men for walking away. In the past at least women pretended to be kind and sweet. At least they
acted like home makers. But we know in the present day that was all an act. They don't need men because they can work now. They don't like cooking, sewing, cleaning. We know their natures now. Their true nature. The whole cock carousel riding girl sleeping with criminals and degenerates, That's what in their nature. They settle for the beta provider when they are getting old and its completely resentfully. They find the kind of man who is marriable repulusive. We know they are complete materialists. Its not culture. Its in their nature. They care about material goods. They want a provider. Emotional love and sexual lust is something they reserve only for quite literally the worst of human beings. When intelligent creative and inventive men. When the builders of society. When the cooperative men the ones that built civilization are undesirable to women. And its the vile barbarians that they are attracted to. The intelligent humans the capable ones are being selected out of the gene pool.
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5 years ago
Shit, that land whale is scary as hell!
5 years ago
All western woman are all money whores. The vast majority turn into fat lazy cows, that stop providing the milk. What happens to a cow that stops giving up the milk (aka pussy & BJ's) they get put out to pasture to live alone till the end.
Men are waking up and walking away from these worn out whores and not looking back.
5 years ago
i dont see us having a deflationary period........we PRINT and we hand out trillions under the guise of ' helping the economy ' . The FED will just print to the point of making our currency worthless............... welcome gold and silver........ again.
5 years ago
no need to expedite WC demise........ the few of us can take advantage of the KNOWN step changes into the it inevitable, pain, death and the loss of our entire way of life......... when the majority are total sheeples, there is no other outcome.
5 years ago
Good vid Sandman. The death spiral of Western Civilization began before I was born and I'm middle age. I've been eating popcorn and watching the decline since middle school. It's been one hell of a show.