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Women Are Your Enemy? - MGTOW

251 Views • 10/22/21
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The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, You were the first person to introduce me to the red pill after my GF at the time tried to say divorce rates weren't all that bad. My topic is about the 3 pillars of warfare which are psychological, financial and kenetic or physical. Affirmative action started in the early 1960's in the USA which is the main form of financial warfare against males that I noticed. Psycological warfare through Critical Race Theory (CRT) is now being taught in our classrooms. This states that Caucasian people are the reason for all past, present and future problems. These same 2 pillars of warfare were being used in the 1930's by a political group in Germany against undesirables before they activated the third pillar of physical warfare and death. I am a combat infantry veteran and can't understand why people would still stand for the national anthem when 2 outta 3 pillars of warfare are being actively used against a group by the government? I Would love to hear your perspective. This is not a call to violence but a call to maximize your leisure over labor and enjoy the decline with a plan B elsewhere in a country that will appreciate one's existence. Cant wait to hear your insights." Well Mr. Anonymous thank for the donation and topic. Affirmative action may have been one form of financial whorefare back in the 1960s but the war against a man's pocket started a long time before then. The federal reserve system with the creation of debt as money in 1913 set us into motion and the dollar has been heavily devalued since then. When Nixon took the USA off the gold standard officially the inflation in the 1970s got far worse. Our time is supposed to be money and when governments print money and dilute the money supply such action steals both of those things from you. So to protect your hard earned money you need to invest it properly. Most people have to work and then come home and go to work full-time trying to figure out their investments and financial picture. If you're not doing both you're not getting ahead. With covid that's accelerated because of all the money printing. But also because so many people have lost their businesses. I'll discuss more about how the system wages financial warfare on us in just a moment as well as the psychological and kinetic as well but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce: Anyways, now back to the invisible war for men's mind's clown world show. Besides financial warfare the psychological has been going on forever as well but you probably just didn't notice it before. Back in the mid to late 90s I learned about Edvard Barnes and how he developed public relations and propaganda to trick the masses into buying things they didn't need. Before that people bought new clothes and other goods not because they were trying to live a certain lifestyle but simply because the old stuff had been worn out. Barnes had been hired by corporations on Madison Avenue to figure out ways to sell people things they didn't need. This was my first red pill and I'd suggest you read a book called Captains of Consciousness to understand where I'm coming from. That red pill was probably the most brutal one because it shattered my sense of reality the most. That the consumerism I bought into was a lie to keep me obsessing over products I didn't need to try and fill the emptiness left by an industrial society. Trading my time for money to buy things that were making me a slave. Until you fully understand the psychological manipulation of consumerism you won't be free. I remember being the only one in my popular culture class to wake up and my professor said that there was nothing I could do to change things.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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10 Comments sort Sort By

It's a pity that all the videos about fucked up women, have to have fucked up women and their fucked up bullshit in them.

Have had to deal with about 20 of the cunts with bad cases of the "Know All - Know Fuck All Syndrome", today.

They are all drug fucked, have opinions on everything, and they can't and won't do anything...

And they all support each other and each others bullshit.

It's like they fall over board from a passenger liner, and you throw them a life ring and scream, "Get in it! Get in it! Quick!"

They shout back, "Don't you tell me what to do! ( white male fucktard! )"

And the ship sails into the night, and they bob around in the ocean - for a while.....

Never to be heard from again.

These days, in regards to the IDIOT women and their bullshit opinions - No life ring, No helpful advice AND no fucks given.


3 years ago

They want you to help them get comfortable in their current situation. They don't want to get out of it. And it's YOUR FAULT if you can't save them ...... because Toxic Masculinity and White Privilege.

3 years ago

Man we are fucked get ready for winter brothers

3 years ago

Consumerism. I do remember when a simple thank you is enough.

But now they shower us with unnecessary praises as if we have achieved something big and demands attention.


3 years ago

china subverted the highest levels of all u.s. institutions.


3 years ago

China is the main front. (((THEY))) are the generals and war planners who call the shots. In medieval times, Jews poisoned the water wells of the Gentiles / Goyim. In modern times, Jews poisoned the institutional wells of Western civilization. Indeed, Jews have poisoned the very wells of TRUST itself!


3 years ago

the u.s. military is now a communist enforcement militia.


3 years ago

The whole point of the Cold War was to decide who would usher in and enforce the Jew World Order aka Olam Ha Bah. The Soviet Union lost and (((TPTB))) cut off all funding to it. The money that would've gone to the USSR went to us for a while but, now that is going to China. The ZOG-U.S. Empire was a reverse empire where the captured lands are being fed by the core instead of how it should be. The core being fed by the captured lands as in the English model. The captured lands in the ZOG-U.S. model were kept up for money laundering purposes and to exploit arbitrage opportnities. That is falling apart and now the ZOG-U.S. Empire is cannibalizing itself to stay relevant. THAT is why ZOG-U.S. is rapidly becoming a Jewish Paradise of tyranny, lies, distrust, and poverty... while the Top 1% are receiving the spoils of our destruction. (((TPTB))) are piling as much stolen wealth into the Top 1% as possibe to retain custody of it while the State and masses fall into ruins. Countries will be replaced by billionairs and trillionaires and the entire world will be enslaved to them. This endgame was directly states by none other than Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu. What will China be in the Olam Ha Bah? The world's manufacturer and enforcer of the Jew World Order. The wealth will be in Jewish hands so, countries will no longer be necessary as assets in their books.

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