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Women Ban Smoking In New Zealand - MGTOW

438 Views • 01/24/22
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kevin. He didn't give me a topic so it's time to cover the powerful women in New Zealand that want to ban those 14 or younger in 2027 from ever being able to buy cigarettes for the remainder of their lives. The plan comes from a woman Ayesha Verrall and the female New Zealand prime minister. New Zealand like all countries with socialized medicine have to take on the costs of health care for those with lung cancers. Lung Cancer is the leading cause of death from Cancer. More than prostate, colon and prostate combined. Pancreatic is the third most deadly. But this move is scary because it tells me that your freedom depends on the financial state of the country you're in. If they want to save money on something like lung cancer they will ban smoking for the greater good. I used to work in a Bingo Hall a couple times a week in the nineties and would reek of cigarettes. It probably shaved off a year or two of my life. I was standing and running around inhaling more smoke then the people sitting below that cloud of smoke. I agree with this ban on smoking in theory but I see it as a stepping stone to something far worse down the road. It all started with taking away your freedom to gather and travel without a jab. Now they are taking away your right to smoke. This all reminds me of a scene from Demolition Man. In that film Sly Stallone wakes up in the year 2032 and meat is not good for the environment and anything deemed not good for ze environment is illegal. The film also makes smoking, gasoline and meat illegal as well as salt. Even though salt is a necessity for living and you will die without it. Without meat you don't get your vitamin b12 or k2. But of course you know that if that were to come to New Zealanders they will still export their meat and dairy products to China so they can eat them. It probably just won't be permitted for the citizens of New Zealand to eat them. They will eat ze bugs instead. Well there goes my Phillip Morris Stock. I better sell it all now before America starts a ban on smoking too. All of this makes me think that first they banned smokers from being indoors with others in New Zealand. Then they banned smoking altogether. Today they are banning the unjabbed from being indoors with others. I'll let you use your imagination as to what comes next. The problem is there's an aging boomer demographic that votes in governments and in socialized medicine you have monopoly medicine. Countires restrict the number of medical licenses to protect doctors and eliminate the competition of private clinics that might actually cure people. You have to wait six months to a year before seeing a specialist and by then you cancer if you have it spreads. This New Zealand smoke ban is interesting because Canada just made pot legal as well as many US States. They were hoping to cash in by being the dealer of choice but they were charging too much tax in San Francisco so people still buy it from illegal drug dealers. So now they are lowering the taxes on it to compete with the free market criminals because government regulation and tax is inefficient. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:

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8 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

sandman is a know nothing fuckwit. Non-Whites, imports and millennial fuckwits voted commie Cindy in. Most 'Boomers' hate the whore. The thugs in the police gang have seized over 10,000 firearms in Auckland alone last year and they haven't even made a dent in the illegal trade. Reducing tobacco use is a good thing but it is readily available everywhere - 'legal' and homegrown. Dope is easier to get then tobacco. Brewing anything you want to is legal, Kiwis have abundant game and fish apart from the best farmed on hoof meat in the world. The major problem is that the wimmins are sluts.

3 years ago

I've noticed, with few exceptions, that female leaders like to treat voters like their children, which means protecting them from anything deemed harmful. I guess emotionally stunted adults find this style of governance appealing.

3 years ago

The ruling class loves it when voters mind are just naïve and immature like a child. The masses will be easily pacified with bread and circus and more promises.

3 years ago

The wimmins when allowed anything that they percieve as 'authority' will abuse. Commie Cindy has a bastard. The marriage keeps getting put off because beau fucked the nanny.

Bad Apple
Bad Apple
3 years ago

Was raised in a super heavy smoking environment, have an abnormal resistance vs low oxygen environments and general sickness. So far, not one of siblings has a disease and we all look and have, young bodies for are age. ( none of the males are obese ) Good genes or the human body adapting to the environment, fuck the government and their bullshit.

3 years ago

Oh I love Democracy, I love the Republic, said the future Emperor who was thrown down a shaft.

Except reality will depict the Western empire as a collective of third world countries full of lead poisoned alike savages with pimply coochmuffens by the time that occurs.

Ought to build something better somewhere else.

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