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Video translated from French to English by Doggk.. A little "Like" would be very appreciated after the work I've put in these subtitles..
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4 years ago
These treasonous french women actually got off very easily. They had their heads shaved which eventually grew back. French men who were traitors on the other hand who worked with the Germans faced the firing squad and were shot and killed. To top it off the french government apologized to these women after the war and their families were compensated. Men get the death penalty for treason, women get a haircut for treason and then are allowed to live their lives. That is the pussy pass and the privilege women have. Gynocentrism at its finest.
3 years ago
5 years ago
True to history. Women are spared. Collaborators that were men were killed.
5 years ago
And this is how the term "Feminazi" was coined.
5 years ago
5 years ago
Well feminist's Your day is coming when all that RED or Purple hair will end up on the ground for what you have done to Western society. How you deride MEN and their achievements, How you KILL baby's because you don't want them, how you taught females to Rob, lie, even KILL and walk away free. I'll promise you this you bitches. It will be worse when the MEN finally had enough and we take revenge on the Whores of Babylon!
5 years ago
5 years ago
And how many of those women got to keep living their life while the men that did the same were killed? Oh happy day, justice for all.