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Women Going Blind From Eyeball Tattoos LOL - MGTOW
Sponsor Link: <br>- Red Pill Ring <br>- <br> <br>Blind From Eyeball Tattoos <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Wayne. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover the story of a woman from Poland named Aleksandra Sadowska. After getting her eyeball tattoos she had pain in her eyes but was told this was normal. After going to the doctor she was told that the damage to her right eye was permanent and she would likely soon go blind in her left eye as well. I lost track of the article and went onto google news to see if I could find it again. I just wanted to show everyone that thinks they can go to Eastern Europe to find a traditional woman that they are more likely to find a girl with Alien looking eyeballs. On Google news I discovered this wasn't the first and probably not the last time a woman went blind from getting a sclera tattoo. Another woman named Amber Luke that's already covered 98% of her body with tattoos also got a botched eyeball tattoo and was blind for three weeks but luckily her eyesight returned. Wouldn't that be ironic? Getting all those tattoos never to see them again. I also found a third woman Sarah Sabbath, 26 years of age from Texas has also gone blind but she still says that getting inked <br>makes her feel good. All of this insanity reminds me of back in the 90s when there were mosh pits. When a band would play music people would violently beat and throw each other around in an area in front of the stage. I remember watching a video where one woman said her teeth were worth the fun she had after someone knocked them out of her head in the mosh pit. I don't see the eyeball tattoo trend slowing down anytime soon. It's mostly women in their early to mid twenties doing this. The three women with articles written about them going blind are 25, 26 and 27. Amber Luke spent more than 250k on tattoos and has also had seizures from those procedures. She has 600 tattoos and cried blue tears when she was blind for a couple of weeks. The attention seeking extremes women are going to have gotten completely out of control. Of the first three people that ever got sclera tattoos in 2007 only 1 of them is still alive. But apparently the two of them that died it had nothing to do with the eye tattoos. One woman from Ontario in 2017 went blind and thought about having her eyeball removed. Probably for the aesthetic effect. She would probably start wearing an eye catching eye patch. The 25 year old Polish woman from so called traditional Eastern Europe employed a tattooer used the wrong type of ink to perform the procedure and could face three years in prison. The tattoo artist has pleaded not guilty to the charges and the case will soon go to court. So this industry will be regulated in the west but probably not in the east. I can't believe even if it's successful that women go through with the pain to look like that. Most guys know how annoying it is when get an eyelash stuck in our eyes. What type of women undergoes such a procedure disregarding her safefy? How come I'm not hearing about men going blind from eye tattoos? <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Motion Graphics Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
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3 years ago
Why cant these lunatic women settle for going blind through all the STD's they have!
3 years ago
I do one of the most dangerous things in the world and I do it daily, I ride a Motorcycle! lol! There was once a suggestion in the UK that Motorcyclist should have seat belts! lol! and yes the idea was put forward by a fefail MP!
3 years ago
Oh! Lidia, Lidia , Lidia the Tattoo'd Lady! lol! Whe nthis trend end's their will be queue's of women lining up for the limited number of jobs available in the Circus FREAK SHOW's, but it wont be a freak show anymore. because the FREAKS that WILL be in the show's will actually be the out moded "NORMAL" People, that the freak populous can go gork ar and see them creating and being thoughtful and generally very polite! lol! Mind you I guess some leftie movement would have long banned circuses by then?
3 years ago
A labotomy to make a women behave like a 10 year old would be an improvement on their 5 year old mentality they have right now! lol!
3 years ago
Every period has it's trends. The 50's it was DA Haircuts and rock-n-roll, The 60's was Mary Jane and long hair, ther 70's was glam rock and Punk Rock, the 80's had Electro Pop and bad Fashion!, the 90#s however I would have to say as far a women go, was the lasy vestage of the attractive women. women actually looked good in the 90's I'm talking about in general, girl on the street stuff. The Music was great as well both sides of the pond. thyen the decline started after 911 and started quickly as well. women have become repulsive very quickly since since. In 2011 something happened for me anyways. I twas like I was suddenly in a very different world or dimension, and the decline all seemed to point to women however you looked at it? WTF are these women going to be thinking about their folly of youth in 20 years time. I mean are they ever going to grow up. You can grow up and get your hair cut to a more adult style (unless you are Mick Jagger" that is! you can get of the Mary Jane if you want? You can stop dressing in your mum's cloth's like you did in the 70's.! lol! I fear that today is the last day's although I'm NOT religious at all. In 20 years time when some of these women have the faded smears of their youth tatto's they will be scaring their bastard Grand kids to death every time they go to see them! lol! With the out right perversion or the innocent and the children I'm not surprised there isn't a tatto artist at the fucking birth of a child thee day's when are Women going to see that feminism has destroyed not just society but the feminine completely? If they ever do, like most things fefail it will be far to late by then?