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Women have no problem ghosting men, but when it happens to them.....
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I gotta admit...That was entertaining to watch.
3 years ago
What in hell is the point of a MAN dating these day's when he can go his own way and have his own money, time and interest's - "Uninterupted at that "!
3 years ago
I ghost life everyday and I certainly don't wish to ghost or Haunt a women ever again!
3 years ago
(info#7) ---> You Know What Time It Is BAN TIME --> There Back . Thanks for all the thumbs up Guys . ........... If you left me a message And I didn't answer it got lost in the thumbs up ..Try the DM for contact .TKS
3 years ago
its fun to ghost cunt
3 years ago
I have a hard time believing men are ghosting women in any significant numbers on dating apps as hard as it is to get a match.