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Women Just Don't Like Men

376 Views • 11/21/22
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2 years ago

I read the article... It's hilarious that a reputable thai news outlet actually refers to the dude (a serious victim in this case) as a "cuckold" numerous times... like wtf? LOL It's like... the guy's life is already fucked up beyond belief... but now the reporter shits on him as well...

2 years ago

You don't need to go to Afganistan, just date foreign women in foreign countries and don't marry them or allow them to move in your place. If you want children use surrogacy and nanies. If you can't afford it, then don't have children, the future is dark.

2 years ago

It's in America where being smart, nice (friendly without being goofy or pushover) .... in star trek the Klingon are a nation, race where expressing gratitude is not part of their culture. In America being "nice" is a sign of weakness, it's all about working and being a douchebag. There is no real camaraderie, they dont like the unfamiliar.

2 years ago

You have to be an intellectual to even be aware of designer babies IVF. in America puritanical knee jerk reaction is to call it eugenics, even though social darwinism is taken to an extreme, Americans either hate strangers people outside of clique or like being alone, or are only nice superficially, it's a detached emotional attachment style which emphasizes being independent not needing people fear of becoming close, some trauma. Even so, IVF to have beautiful and smart children if you can afford it society looks down upon because it gives you a reproductive advantage

2 years ago

There is a reason why the founding fathers or independence figures of English and Spanish America, people that were educated, literate, bourgeois merchants or landowners, spent their time traveling and living in Europe, in intellectual circles, social circles, and no doubt whore maxing. Europe just lent itself more easily to those things. Being a colony without real history or culture, hyper Catholicism or protestantism, and shortages of women became a generational endemic problem, it only compounded things, led to this feminized society when women should have 0 percent agency and be property of fathers or husbands

2 years ago

Gisele Bundchen might be a tranny, Victoria's secret, the "secret" is these tall, lanky models have balls. Gisele bundchen seems like a sorority party girl type, Tom Brady seems more like the hardworking laid back type of guy, they seem like a bad match

2 years ago

There is a tale about king Solomon declaring to his counsel of wise men "do not trust women." He did a test. He picked the righteous family in town. Told the man if he sold him one of his sons for servitude, he would be awarded riches, he hesitated but said no, despite having a hard time giving them bread. The woman did however give one son away until the father discovered this, begged to have him back, was distressed about it. Solomon then tested the woman, told her he wanted to have her as one of his wives, the top in court, gave her a dagger. The woman at night was really sweet to the husband that night, when they went to sleep, she pulled the dagger but it was a prop, very convincing one. This story circulated in town until word got to Solomon and he was rest assured of his proverb, do not trust women.

2 years ago

A lot gets said on government policy and new world order. But what about social life in America. It's not all social engineering with media imitation or idol worship saying God of Abraham is too sexist let's free women be more fair and compassionate, its also partly spiritual genetics too, anglos or anglosized peoples are just less passionate like italians, less spiritual like the jews, just more matriarchal, colder and more stoic. Well, America is great only for consumerism, reliable infrastructure services like electricity or food, white pussy is expensive, in Victorian London for a loaf of bread you could fuck plebe escorts. America is a feudal capitalist society like around the world and cost of living inflation is bad, in other countries many people buy homes without mortgages or property taxes. In America you still have ghettos, trailer parks that are dangerous or shady. Socially speaking, if you are an intellectual, down to earth, warm, friendly, spiritual person, you will not fit or belong here. Compared to America, you could say the Russians or Chinese are all of those things, Americans are more akin to the Japanese in just living to work, insular, or ultra conformity, forget these Hollywood movies with the charismatic masculine leads like rocky, it's not Friends the tv show. Americas are cliquey, fake, isolated, cold, reserved, douchebaggy, and got bad vibes. You got to move abroad, it's not a matter of there is good and bad people everywhere.

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