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Women say not sharing emotions is toxic, but so is sharing them. It's all just a joke
Jonah Hill's ex outs him misogynistic for having boundaries on a relationship. Who are they kidding, women put boundaries on their dating profiles. <br> <br> Join us on Locals for Saturday Night at the Movies every Saturday Night 8pm EST! <br> <br>Join the patriarchy today - every supporter makes a feminist cry. Join here on YT or better yet on (it's free to become a member) to see more of the content you love. Better yet, become a supporter today and get free speech forums, memes, and unique content and live streams for just the cost of a cup of coffee. Locals - <br> <br>On Rumble: <br> <br>For a one time Support/Donation <br> <br> <br>--------Other Media------ <br>My Second Channel
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2 years ago
That image proves my point that real women have no concept of female fashion. If it that even is a female on the right side there? I don't know man. Jonah looks more female except for the beard.
If you're gonna wear a white coat at least look fem with a nice skirt.
2 years ago
It's all a shit test. Share nothing with them. Women want to know what your thinking and feeling so they can manipulate you pulling your strings. Set boundaries verbally and record nothing except hers because she will shift that goal post. They can not help it. Just walk away and leave these whores to themselves.
2 years ago
"He was controlling and manipulative!" she posted, using manipulative posts to control how others perceive him--possibly with dropped contexts if we know women at all.
2 years ago
i am still surprised how dicaprio is able to live his bachelor lifestyle without any accusations or media attacks.
2 years ago
feldstein's have feelings too