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Women Says $2500 A Month Is Not Enough To Raise A Kid Women Deserve Reparation Fees
• 09/10/20
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4 years ago
The bitch has a cross in between her giant tits. Yeah she holy alright, dam backwards contradicting ho.
4 years ago
she is stealing 2500 dollars a month from her husband and still, she wants more, wtf. Instead of stealing your husband's money get a job and actually earn the money
4 years ago
I caught her saying near the end that she thinks she deserves compensation for her time and pain "Repairation fees at 45 sec@.... that her ex should be paying her. I also think I heard her say that she needed to punish him 54 sec approx I heard her say "they trying to hit them where it hurts" In other words claiming alimony and child support isn't just about paying for minimum upkeep of life requirements, but also a kind of punishment, kick him in the wallet where it hurts. Good insight for men who are thinking about marriage.
4 years ago
4 years ago
I have simpler solution for. She should close her legs. No more crotch goblins.