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Women Soccer Team Is All Pissy About National Anthem During World Cup

45 Views • 07/24/23

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These arrogant, ignorant, stupid fucking cunts have REALLY overplayed their hands....

Now not only are the only fans (Only Fans) complete and utter fuckwit feminists, no one is going to their bullshit games either.

Selling tickets to the games - these shit heads can't even give them away.

And - they are liars, cheats and thieves..... They got cocky, thought that they could pull off their contract scam, the fucking soccer board folded, and now they are getting greedier, more indignant, more arrogant and more ungrateful and they are fucking traitors...

Self Centeredness Run Riot.

There is a penalty for greed and dishonesty - it's all coming home to roost.

Hooo Raaaa.

The end of lesbian feminist soccer.

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2 years ago

Why play on national league if you don't have some national pride and I would also mention all male player make bank in private leagues not world cup.


Sell tickets? They can't even give them away..... Did you see that interview, some guy handing out free tickets or a $1 - "Would you like front row seats to the American Womens World Cup Soccer Team Championship Game, or would you like $1?" Everyone who was asked, even all the feminist shit heads, said, "OH um ahhh - I'll take the $1". No one wanted to go and see the game - no one. The men however were much smarter than the feminist retards, they just said, "I'll take the $1" straight out.

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