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Women Who Hate Nice Guys .mov

126 Views • 08/21/20
Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
219 Subscribers

Women who hate nice guys which dating coaches both male or female don't want you to know that women or girls who hate nice guys are nothing more than sociopathic female narcissists who you should stay away from and cutt out of your life for your own good since they'll never love nor respect you and these women aren't worth it. For those of you fellow men and nice guys who are new to MGTOW and MGTOW TV...Welcome and youre free to look around here for more truth to learn about female nature.

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JupiterMGTOW 5 years ago  

Women view men as tools, not only disposable, but detestable. They hate us while extracting what they can, when they can, how they can from us and never ever admitting it. Women view men based on what services can those men provide, even sex. Yes sex, although pleasurable for men, is also a service for women. Nice guys and simps are used for their simpery, their money, in a nutshell, their interest to get laid by any means (and they rarely do). Bad boys also provide services: sex, drama, emotional discomfort. At the end of the day, all men are tools for women, even the bad boys. The difference in in what services can women extract from each type of man. Also another difference is only with bad boys women will say they don't like what they get (but they do, and yet never admit it). Some women admit it.

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I'm a raging anti-feminist.


women who hates nice guys = 90% of women

5 years ago

more like 100% ... the 10% just pretend better

5 years ago

I am not against these women shaming nice guys, simply because we need these nice guys to wake up. Hopefully a numberoof these nice guys will see the true nature of women.

In some ways we need to thank these female dark Knight makers.

4 years ago

This is a good way to put it. These 'nice guys' need to wake up and become stronger men. Most of them never seem to learn that acting like a woman [being 'nice' and attractive and agreeable/meek] is NOT what men are supposed to do. More importantly, it's counterproductive for your purposes as a man [in achievement and doing masculine things], and it's also HIGHLY repulsive to females. If you think about it, it has to be this way. For the strongest, most masculine and fit men to survive and thrive, women should not at all be attracted to femininity [in any form] in a man at all. Otherwise, weakness would flourish [as it has now] and, like a spiteful weed/vine, smother and choke out the other more fit parts of the human race from moving forward stronger.

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