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World’s largest ruby hits auction in New York

15 Views • 06/04/23
136 Subscribers

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the largest and most expensive ruby to ever appear at an auction! A 55.22-carat gem is an exceptional find for its clarity and richness in chromium which, when exposed to sunlight, makes the stone radiate a vivid red hue known as ‘pigeon’s blood’. The bid begins at $30 million. $31 million, anyone? <br> <br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br>Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. <br>Follow us on Facebook: <br>Follow us on Telegram: <br>Follow us on Twitter:

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Well it's not that brilliant... and like aside from spending a lot of money on it - or the expectation too, what the fucking good is it?

I mean you can't eat it. It performs no vital function.

It's just silicone dioxide with chromium contamination.

AND it has flaws and fissures in it.

AND the only reason why women marry you and ask you to get it for them, is for their post marriage retirement fund.

I'd rather just a rod of very good optical quality synthetic ruby - made for lasers etc...

But only if I had a REASON to get it....

I mean optically - I really like the genuine RED glass that has gold in it - the really decent coloured glass that lasts for centuries and is put into stained glass windows in huge ancient churches....

So for some optical theatrics - with sunlight etc.... some synthetic ruby rod would be nice...

But industrially - I have no reason to get any.

However paying $31 million for this? How fucking pointless and how fucking stupid.

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