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WTF. NAACP Member WISHES DEATH Upon Conservative Parents Who Oppose CRT.. At A School Board Meeting.

36 Views • 07/18/21
Jess Sosnoski
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers

⁣WTF. NAACP Member WISHES DEATH Upon Conservative Parents Who Oppose CRT.. At A School Board Meeting.

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3 years ago

This is why Whites need to learn from our oppressors (JEWS and their adopted negro foot soldiers) on how to use incendiary rhetoric. Jews have spent decades teaching Negroes and other non-Whites how to humiliate Whites and never apologize for any harm done to us. The victim narrative is the ultimate Virtue Signalling totem.

Listen to this fat nigger bitch. Her rantings must be analyzed, taken apart, and reconstructed into rhetorical weapons to be used against JEWS and their negro foot soldiers. WE have to learn how to spit fire and use catchy accusations as they have done. WE have to be able to spit out our own weaponized lexicon that accuses them of being anti-White, anti-civilization, interlopers, nothing comes close to Jewish Supremacy, Jewish Hate, Jewish Liars, Chimp Outs, etc etc. It has to come out fast and connected, like a litany.

First order of business is to curse that noxious meme of Jesus Christ and his sick doctrines that have done nothing but put the White race into a coma. Jesus was never against the Kike Jews but, he only ranted at them to return to Moses and stop worshiping Caesar. His Sermon on the Mount, and many other bad teachings, was the poison pill that defined Christianity. Centuries of Christian cucking have turned Whites, like those who passively took that nigger's rantings, into mindless SHEEPLE. They don't know how to respond, except to offer quiet contrition to their NAACP accuser.

JEWdeo-Xtianity (formerly known as Christianity) is Judaism's single biggest weapon against Whites and it was invented by crypto-Jews. Jesus, as the Son of God, was the Jews' way of taking their most hated rabbi and making him into an object of worship. THAT IS EPIC-LEVEL PUNKING. J-X has done more to castrate, demoralize, and quell the White racial spirit than anything else. JEWS brag how they imposed it upon European Whites and it was Christianity that destroyed ancient Rome. The Huns and Vandals were only the mop up guys. Even in European Christianity's golden age (Medieval period) where Jews were cursed, the seeds of the Jewish (((TARES))) were always dormant within the religion. Wherever Christian kingdoms began to prosper, the (((TARES))) would germinate and begin infecting their hosts.

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