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WW2 Veteran Realizes His Comrades Died IN VAIN!

135 Views • 07/02/22
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3 years ago

"Open borders" sounds to me like "Open marriage"..

Lol, what a pathetic joke.


3 years ago

Send this to that cocksucker Biden


I think - in part he is also a victim of his own "sheltered life" - that aside from going off to war, the world and everyone in it, waxes and wanes between different points, over different issues, so I have had historical research into the origins of the assorted purity / decency and temperance / sobriety leagues and societies - and I think I can safely say that as shitty as it is now, there is also a lot of really great things and it's always been this way. I think the issue lies in like the children at drag queen shows etc., well IF you kind of narrow it down to the actual events, it's sort of small, but the all pervasive "reporting" makes it look like it's going on everywhere, all the time, with everyone's children and that NO family is safe etc..

When these issues have been going on for a LONG time... with rises and receedings according to different times, locations and economic conditions.

So I think his OLD sheltered workshop life style, his failing and selective issues based memory, and such like - kind of colours the issues a bit and things don't seem to be how he sees them and how he interprets them and what he remembers and what's going on in a wide variety of places he never goes into.....


Quite a sobering insight UDC.
I think the older men have been good for you.
And good for me too.
Good for all of us really.
Men are good.

3 years ago

war made sense in tribal times when you fought over women and resources. everything else after that is just politicians disagreeing with each other and other many paying the price. only a fool joins an army.

3 years ago

However, if you don't join, then you loose your own country. Its a suckers bet, but one each of us have to make.

3 years ago

@Duugus: bullshit. people just want to live in a stable society. nobody cares who runs it as long as things are working. i could not care less if russia, china, india, usa, england, portugal.. took over the government tomorrow and start running the country. we can tal kculture, race and whatnot, but that is secondary.

3 years ago

@spectre: You say that now. Wait until they do. Prospect of the loss of our country is high.

3 years ago

When a country is a monoculture and not a multicultural corporate consumer driven hellhole, it is almost exactly like a tribe. The USA was 88% European before the hart-celler immigration act in 1965. The USA was a remarkable country that stood out in history of mankind. It was founded in a successful rebellion and remained a beacon of hope and an example to be followed since 1776 up to about 1975. It is clearly in decline because of essentially, sinful type behaviors by an elite ruling class that sold out their principles just for material gain and strange lower level ape like behavior. A lot of "whites" have become seriously degenerated as well and they are the most self destructive people I have seen when they become libtards. Robert Putnam has studies that show the consequences of multicultural societies and they always devolve into a sick, mercenary, degenerate, low trust society, he reluctantly published his findings and what they show is that so long as the USA pursues a multicultural agenda, the country will continue to devolve into class separation(gini index), low-trust, and degeneracy. It will begin to resemble some areas of Brazil. Feminism is also a severe problem primarily because of how badly it destroyed the birthrate forcing the elites to import working age men from the 3rd world to uphold their sick system. It is essentially a problem which is a combination of failed demographics caused by feminism and a rapid lowering of average IQ by a high IQ domestic population being rapidly replaced by unassimilated low IQ third world immigrants. It could have worked better if it was done at a slower rate but the only hope for the future would be for a weak central government and for the High IQ people to take a balkanized territory within the US the has autonomy to a large degree and still follows the constitution. Another model I thought of was to make two different types of governments, one style to manage the large urban libtard cities with a large welfare state, and a second type of government that manages all the territory outside of the libtard zones that essentially reflects the laws of the traditional constitution with far less government services and interventions. People do want to live in a stable societies, but the american way is for a small government, governments have proven they cannot provide stability so stability comes about through other means in society which is what was shown by putnam in his studies.

3 years ago

consider joining the armed forces in hitler's nazi germany. That was a truly united culture fighting for the same cause. they did indeed have a unified cause to fight for and this is an example of a country united.

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