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Yellow Vests hit streets of Paris following Macron's re-election
Two weeks after Emmanuel Macron’s election victory, Yellow Vest protesters flocked to the streets of Paris, denouncing the re-elected president's policies. <br> <br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br>Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. <br>Follow us on Facebook: <br>Follow us on Telegram: <br>Follow us on Twitter:
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3 years ago
It's totally not coming here guys! Oh, it's RT? Fake News. But, I like the Truth, err the Disinformation! Lame Stream media and our spanking new Homeland thugs' Ministry of Truth did not approve this! Guess the Satanic Globohomos should have listened to their AI Sophie..._
3 years ago
The French will get what they deserve. Just as the Cucks of Canada will get what they deserve for re-electing Shlomo Trudeau.