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You are Russian, your people have been killed for years, don't you dare to speak about that.
• 03/04/22
80 Subscribers
The hypocrisy of these people.
It's very clear what they're doing.
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3 years ago
Oh Hail to the nuttiest no noes,
Most shit that the media says about Russia 90% bullshitkles skittles. Everything that the media says about them is actually A mire reflection of China and Iran.
The Russians aren’t the ones putting people in concentration camps:
The Russians not invent COVID-19 and then secretly came up with an even quicker way to accelerate their anti-American pro-Communist depopulation agenda while literally stabbing us with these death ridden W.eapons of M.edical D.estruction:
The Russians aren’t the ones creating the social credit system:
The Russians aren’t the ones who are trying to influence other nations politically and financially with all of their fucking global communist racketeering schemes:
The Russians aren’t the ones who are trying to influence American schools while pushing for C.ommunist R.aicalization T.raining and A.narchy I.nduced D.ogmatic S.ociopathy:
Russia is not teaching a third of the population that it’s somehow good when you torture a dog to death because the adrenaline makes the meat taste better in high amounts even though that shit is actually Adrenochrome which the bastard mousy dang fuck and his Mao-misters introduced it from an Babylonian or ancient-satanic practice stemming thousands of years ago, The people of China pre-communist days we’re way more humane.
These very delusional Rainbow Trans-Atubby freaks are so damn out of their jellyfish brains that they have a no valid idea on what they’re fucking talking about!
This whole fucking horror-works of BS it’s so goddamn hilarious that I fucking pissEd myself literally in public in a second third row in 16 fucking years! Lol
I’ve never heard such mind melting madness in my life, this ain’t just weapons grade bullshit this is such thermal nuclear grade of such psych ward level of Delusionary-Circus
These left-wing Madhatters belong in not only a fucking military grade psychiatric hazmat rooms.
But perhaps maybe we should just launch all of these wokemon to the planet of Histeriamus-84 in hazmat bags
This is just absolutely hilarious XD
3 years ago
"I am really sorry" about asking you to leave? WTF? No you are not. "Kill Russians ignore the Truth. only the Narrative matters." Jese us, can we get a giant meteor to end this shit?
3 years ago
Keeps saying "I'm sorry." No he's not.
I call out people that say they're sorry to me, when they're not, immediately and you should see how fast they fold.
3 years ago
Anybody notice that there is a massive concerted effort by the Mainstream News Media to portray Russia and Putin as the bad guys and Ukraine and Zelensky as the good guys???
3 years ago
3 years ago
Censorship and Political Correctness. Australians just cannot handle the truth. Australia is gone. RIP.