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Young women are furious they were fooled into feminism
I have to work forever, pay my debts, STILL clean the house? I was tricked! <br> <br>Join us on Locals for Saturday Night at the Movies every Saturday Night 8pm EST! <br> <br>Join the patriarchy today - every supporter makes a feminist cry. Join here on YT or better yet on (it's free to become a member) to see more of the content you love. Better yet, become a supporter today and get free speech forums, memes, and unique content and live streams for just the cost of a cup of coffee. Locals - <br> <br>On Rumble: <br> <br>For a one time Support/Donation <br> <br> <br>--------Other Media------ <br>My Second Channel
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1 year ago
In suspect that Feminism was created specifically to double the work force by having both men and women working like men in order to increase tax revenue so that we have more money to give the other countries, to fund illegal and immoral wars and all sorts of other nonsense.
1 year ago
1 year ago
One or two does not a demographic make. More women are still faring better than men in job security and education, and most women benefit from welfare programs, grands, and loan forgiveness. This was a pointless video and not reflective of anything but a couple of people speaking only for themselves, and even then very dubiously.
1 year ago
Older Post Wall CUNT can forget it I don't want to stew my disk in all that CHAD or TYRONE DNA swimming in her stretched dry Gluey Hole! lol! If I wqanteed something crinkly and smelly to sleep with it would rather be a large pack of Cheese and Onion Chips, at least that would be worth snacking on in the early hours! lol! And you could buy more of them at a counter price you already know!
1 year ago
Tattoo's or (Broken damaged goods labels) as I call them are an instant turn off, even one of those little mark of the Beast butterflies between their butt cheeks is a turn of to me. It just shows their sell out mentality to me as a guy?
1 year ago
Fuck that teen bitch in the pix is nearly as bald as you joker! lol! By 25 0r the WALL HITTING 30's she is gonna look at least 50 years old and no amount of magic TEARS are gonna solve that one! lol!