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youtube Is the Titanic!! The ship is sinking save yourself MGTOW
• 11/25/19
328 Subscribers
Podcast KenDelrican
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3 years ago
Hey KD, any news about Vention MGTOW? He lived in the Pacific Northwest, possibly Washington, but I wasn't sure if you knew him or not, just checking. Thanks.
4 years ago
Ken, get out of JewTube now! You've got as a very good lifeboat. Just use JewTube as a billboard to drive traffic to your channel.
4 years ago
JewTube's demise is entirely self-inflicted. It was a brilliant concept and when Google bought it out, its destruction was already written in stone. If JewTube is the Titanic, it has the White passengers constantly berated and scrutinized while giving the rats and vermin free run of the ship.
The Jew World Order would rather see an epic concept and established platform destroyed than allow Whites, MGTOW, even the incels, from having a place to vent their grievances and expose the numerous tentacle of the (((JEW OCTOPUS))). Susan WoJEWski is fine with the foulest perversity and White bashing but, J-T's derisively named, "Community Guidelines," denies the aforementioned the same freedom of expression. J-T's Community Guidelines exists SOLELY to protect the (((JEW OCTOPUS))).
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
4 years ago
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with shadow banning and deleting channels, videos and the comments of millions of content creators and their subscribers....
Susie's PooTube is just fucking awesome... I mean it WAS awesome.
Now it's just fucked.
No, it's not just fucked. It's beyond FUCKED.
Isn't Coppa the kiddy safe content or not... issue.
I took all my content down, not because of this Coppa shit, I just don't like Youtube and their crap.
Like a resturaunt that serves up dog shit in the soup - they don't get the business.
Youtube serves up dog shit to content creators and does not deserve my or anyone else's content.
And without add blocking - it's worse than free to air TV.