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YouTube’s Dirty Secret ?

72 Views • 09/16/22
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2 years ago

It's really no secret what JewTube's problem is:

Susan Wojewski is only the beginning of this Jewish rabbit hole:

It goes WAY BACK. (((THEY))) were a pestilence even in Henry Ford's time:


Congrats Andy - you are not the first at this shit by a mile but I hope you use your position and influence to (help) gut these mind fuck head game playing cunts running Youtube.

They have been absolute fucking arseholes to so many REALLY DECENT people and all of their subscribers.

Everyone needs to get off their arses, use ADD BLOCKING and then open up dead end channels (at the very least) on Youtube - and post links to other platforms with their profile and videos...

Even using other peoples channels on other platforms is morally justified...

If you can't make great Anti-Youtube content, then support those that do.

Billions of little bites, from millions of little termites, can level the biggest mansion.


Youtube's dirty secret? It's a festering open sore on the arse of humanity.

Sort of like Monkey Pox inside the Gay Anus....

Except almost all of the great content creators - the original thinkers, have been driven off and their subscribers have been fucked over so badly - so everyone hates Youtube, and the only memorable achievement that Susan Willyoujizzinme has created, is the most disliked for her self serving "Free Speech Award".

She even had to delete that.

Youtube and it's idiot CEO and the scumbags running Google - they LIE to everyone about everything - JewTube....

AND there is an odd way of looking at things, in that people freak out about hurricanes destroying their homes, but (I forget the ratio) that there are something like 200 times as many houses are destroyed by termites, as there are by hurricanes...

And the fucks running Google and Jewtube, have created millions and millions of little enemies, and just like termites... they are chewing away behind the scenes, eating the framing and internals out of Jewtube.....

I mean there are SO many brilliant content creators that they have fucked over and who are now gone, and or have lost all enthusiasm for making content and posting it on the site - that fuck all NEW content is being created, and so Jewtube is having to use AI to make or assist in making bullshit "cram the content in" type videos with text to speech programmable narration, with different cadence, accent, pitch, etc., but they are all like same, same, same, same - video factory garbage.

The worse the fake channels and fake videos get, the less people who go there, and the more they fuck over the real people content creators - so Jewtube is now in the decline of a death spiral that they cannot pull out of.

So they made 10,000,000 enemies and the 10,000,000 enemies are using other sites / platforms, or not watching Jewtube so much if at all, and they are all using ADD BLOCKERS, to stop getting force fed Jewtubes adds, and people are leaving links to their content to other platforms, on Jewtube.

AND reasonably decent platforms are springing up everywhere...

AND having the cunts in Jewtube, scanning for videos while uploading for things they want to censor? Fuck Off.

Shadow Banning me and enormous amounts of other people - for what? Having a brain and a personality?

Susies PooTube - Shadow Banning

Susie Willyoujizzinme - shove this up your cunt you dirty corporate whore.


2 years ago

[APPLAUSE] Magnificent rant! Well done!


@InfiniteMushroom: Youtube is just a cuntfest of bullshit.... I mean how in the hell can they expect to retain users / content creators - AFTER they go out of their way to fuck with them so badly and to make people genuinely REALLY hate them....


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I already covered that in a related video comment section. Can't remember the title. In a nutshell, JewTube no longer needs customer approval or the approval of content creators that don't fall within the Jewish-Woke propaganda framework. JewTube can run red-ink indefinitely and not suffer in the least. WHY? JewTube is a CHANGE AGENT and is an essential tool of imposing the Jew-Woke agenda. The whole concept of making large corporations into CHANGE AGENTS was introduced during the Obama regime and reiterated in 2020. Trillions in phantom currency and credit was created to support corporations that were deemed essential to the Woke program. Indeed, it was in mid-2020 when JewTube nearly went under but, (((TPTB))) bailed them out with that money and Susan Wojewski knows that she is covered regardless of whether content creators like her or not.


@InfiniteMushroom: Hi there are a million anagrams and abbreviations for a million things... I don't know what most of them are, I almost never use them and I almost never remember what they actually stand for. Generally speaking - useing them with me is just a waste of space, I need the full words.What does TPTB mean?


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: TPTB = The Powers That Be. (((TPTB))) = The Zionist Jews among TPTB aka the REAL POWER that runs this dump.


2 years ago



2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: (((TPTB))) have been around a VERY LONG TIME. Long before even this illustration: You'll have to click to open...


@InfiniteMushroom: Alice Millers Book - "For your own good" (The hidden roots of violence in childhood cruelty) is here in downloable PDF. She goes in part, to the most prominent members of the nazi party and what total fuckups their families of origin were. Make good use of this resource.


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: PING! Jewish contact! Identify as Alice Miller. Jewish psychologist. My JEWDAR *NEVER* fails!!! This book could have stayed within the bounds of Old-School beatings that kids often got. But, it swerved right off the road and into the ditch of Jewish kvetching. It didn't take long for me to smell the history revisionism and projection. I'll take Hitler's own words in his, Mein Kampf, over some Jew trash that has the same credibility as Anne Frank's Diary. BTW, Adolf greatly respected his father and his father's only problem was wanting Adolf to become a civil servant as he was. A reasonable expectation as a civil service job was safe, reliable, and had pension at the end. Hitler wanted to be an artist but, the school of art told him that his talents lie in architecture, based on his drawings and understanding of buildings. Hitler became informed of the JEWS during WW1 and afterwards. This book, "For Your Own Good," is Jew trash. My JEWDAR never fails.


@InfiniteMushroom: Hmmmm Some perspectives on some issues are correct observations, some are a mixture and some are completely wrong.


@InfiniteMushroom: I do thank you for this information but the protagonists of the National Socialist Movement, have been in my estimation, about as untrustworthy as the very Zionist cult they are denouncing. So I want you to stop posting your propaganda upon my coat tails, everytime I post something that relates to Dolfy and his goons. When I put it forward that it's time for you to quit shoving your shit down my throat, and to go make a decent video or even a series of them, I meant it. If your so capable and have so much information make 5 x 1 or 2 hour movies - the soviets did. Just look up "Liberation, Film" and you will find them.


@InfiniteMushroom: What also pisses me off about your constant harping on the fucking jews is that OK they are a REAL PROBLEM - so where is your solution? What can be done by people on an individual and on a group, community and societial basis - about them? Put the workable solutions into the videos / documentaries that your going to make on the subject, instead of in another fucking reply to me.


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Right now, simply making people aware and THINKING OF THE JEWS is enough of a solution. For me to single-handedly propose a solution is insane. There has to be an organic consciousness of the Jews and to see them as the infection that they are. Attempts have been made in the past to get rid of Jews but, people lacked the WILL to carry it out to its final conclusion. Sort of like taking anti-biotics for a prolonged period of time to treat a persistent infection. If you don't take the FULL treatment, you WILL get a secondary infection and that strain of Jew will be much harder to get under control. People forgot why they were keeping the Jews under thumb and in the ghetto. Hitler already saw the problem of kicking Jews from one country to another within Europe and he KNEW that the JEWS had to be physically removed and quarantined in some remote place on Earth. Hitler's original proposal was to send ALL of Europe's Jews to Madagascar. But, WW2 interfered with that and *NO*.... Muh Six Million NEVER HAPPENED. A lot of Jews got out and only the convicted criminals were put in camps and many liquidated, as they should have been.


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: In short, by constantly banging on the problem, the solution will become obvious.


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: The more people see the JEWS through my comments and memes of the Jews openly saying who and what they really are, that is an independent Mind that will begin thinking of a way to deal with the Jews. I know I've affected thousands of sane Minds that are open to seeing and naming the Jew and are thinking of their own way to quell the problem. A better solution will come that way. But................. I do have a solution. Can it be done under the current political paradigm? No. Therein lies the problem. I cannot overhaul ZOG-U.S. by myself. But, if enough people are mad enough and have lost all fear of both Jews and the criminal government we are in bondage to, then my solution will arise on its own.


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: What would be my first step in quelling the Jews? Absolute repeal of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and ALL civil rights laws deriving from it. Also, repeal of Brown v Board of Education. That one-two uppercut will totally bring down everything that empowers the Jew in the legal and political realms. My next step would be to dissolve the six mega media corporations and ban Jews from holding management positions. I'd direct the Federal Communications Commission to break up American media into thousands of independent news, radio, and TV companies. No media organization in one State can own any media entity outside of the State it is in. In other words, media would be relocalized and purged of JEWISH participation. Since the Civil Rights Act will be non-existent, it can be done. We were a hell of a lot freer BEFORE Civil Rights than after. To de-Jewify a country requires complete overhaul of its institutions and regulatory structure. But.......... getting there is the problem. I don't see any alternative other than collapse and TOTAL SHOAH.


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Now that I think of it, I'd impose property taxes on ALL CHURCHES. That includes synagogues and mosques alike. Churchianity is a giant zombie, has lost all legitimacy, and is a tool of the Jews. Churches often occupy valuable land and to force them to pay property taxes would wipe out a lot of them. Synagogues would be double-taxed. Mosques don't appear to be undermining their host like the Jews and Christ-tards but, they must pay as well. As for fake religions like Scientology, I'd unleash the full fury of the IRS on them but, that's another problem unrelated to the Jewish problem.


@InfiniteMushroom: Yeah fine. What ever.


@InfiniteMushroom: Can't you fucking read - put your shit into a video and tell the world what they can do to solve the Jew Cult problem. You post ONE more piece of your "The evil fucking jews" shit AT ME - and I will just block you. Go make some movies - or fuck off. This is the option that I am presenting to you.


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Fair enough. I'll see myself out....


@InfiniteMushroom: You have just taken the cowards way out.


2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Look mate. I DON'T DO VIDEOS. That's not how I communicate. I am a WRITER. Actually, you forced me to recognize that I've said about all that can be said here. I've left enough men with sufficient knowledge to take the ball and run with it. I guarantee you that you've learned something from my rants that you didn't know before. Now YOU run with it.


@InfiniteMushroom: It's your ball - your responsible for it - you run with it - instead of imposing it on everyone else to do your job for you.


@InfiniteMushroom: You can make videos - just like everyone one else can - nothing is stopping you - except you. And that is not going to be made into my problem.


@InfiniteMushroom: So stop imposing upon everyone else to do your own work for you.

2 years ago

Hey, how do you insert an image to your comment?


@kingtongue: It's a private discussion. You have not been invited to participate in it.

2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: i dont need your invite, i invite myself wherever i want.


@kingtongue: This is essentially a private conversation in a public space. Take the hint. Fuck off.

2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: i dont care and i dont take orders.


@kingtongue: I am not a social worker for an idiot. Your blocked.

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