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Zionists Are Murdering Palestinians Because They Refused The Scamarona Vaccine

370 Views • 05/18/21
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4 years ago

Hamas is controlled opposition, and has a Jewish communist lawyer, Stanley Cohen. He was working in the interest of the Soviet Union in the 70's. Cohen appears on RT on the regular, he tries to blame western Europeans for the war crimes Israelis are commiting.

They simply use Hamas as an excuse to make Palestinians look like terroists to grab more land. Also Netanyahu has openly admitted multiple times to funding Hamas.

4 years ago

I agree with your sentiments Amr. Sheikh Imran Hosein is also on the right track. The US economy will collapse later this Summer with all the world economies following suit. There will be a blackout which will force The Great Reset to completely move the financial system digital. A debt jubilee from the 4th industrial digital revolution will create an even more massive divide between the Haves and Havenots. The Last American civil war will happen when Grandpa Joe "passes away" leaving Cum Bucket Harris to lead the country to the ground. Israel will become the ruling state of the world replacing America and will wait for their messiah (Dajjal aka me) to rule the world from Jerusalem. XRP will be the one world bridge currency of the world, worshipping Dajjal will be the one world religion and Israel will lead the one world government with the help of Nato and the UN. Vaccinations are just the beginning. Just wait until the cytochrome C kill switch is activated and people die from Autoimmune diseases that come with it. Most people will die. China will go after Taiwan. Egypt will bomb Ethiopia's dam. NK will strike SK and America will be destroyed by the civil war internally. It truly is a written script like you say Amr. Great video. I think it's your best one yet.

4 years ago

I had a dream many months ago. Although in the dream it takes place 150 years in the future from today. There was a civil war like you state, but it did not happen all at once, it was a slow decline with a false 7 year of gains before another 7 years of troubles. In the dream I hear an emperor talking with his sons about some sort of secret project that was designed to make nukes useless, make them go inert. It’s interesting though that in the dream this emperor speaks of humanity as his children, he seems to be very long live as if he has been watching and influencing the world for many eons. In the dream I am shown that this emperor will guide half of what’s left of the us while the other half will be broken up into many states, many of those states would be in a state of tyranny. Not a pretty sight. Although sadly I don’t remember much more—it’s probably nothing. I just wanted to add this add as your post reminded me of that strange dream.

4 years ago

Amr Imran Hussain is an agent he supports Iran and Russia/China he used to work for the UN i believe before 9/11 , 40 percent of what he says is good like the monetary system and dajjal and so forth but the rest is falsehood. What is also happening is the Zionist and Iran who are allies both hate Sunni Palestinians so they have Iran backed agents throw rockets at Israel then Israel could say we have the rights to defend ourselves to and decimate them. Look up the created of the Shia cult he was a Jew named Abdullah ibn Saba.


4 years ago

Amar you have ti understand in mgtow community , lot of racist alt right guys who hate blocks, muslims, Indians and they come here to spew their racism and hatred . Just block them . Block these bastards. But sadly you’re weak to block these fags. That’s why you should name your website something else. Because mgtow community is full racists and white nationalists. Fuck them . Also tell them if they making pro zionist and racist comment you gonna ban them.


4 years ago

Amr also knows that White Men are justifiably fed up with the constant demonization by JEWS and that we have a legitimate grievance against (((THEIR))) social engineering ageda. If such is offensive to you, then there's JewTube and the (((MSM))) matrix for your entertainment. As for White nationalism, I have yet to hear a credible reason why we shouldn't be. Every other race and non-White ethnicity is encouraged to not only promote themselves but, berate Whites as a common enemy. In that light, White nationalism is a righteous and morally correct platform for self-preservation. Because of superficial appearances, we often get blamed for what Jews do. We have NOTHING to apologize for and it's time for us to be even more DEFIANT in that way.

4 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: but their is alot of hatred towards indians in this website


4 years ago

@Swagoku666: I'll admit that Indians don't really register on my radar. The Punjabis, IMO, are the best of India but, there's not enough of them. I think India's troubles are from the low castes which there is an overabundance of i.e. Shudras, Chandalas, and whatever is at the bottom.

4 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: ok is the problem of those "low castes" their looks, hygiene or mindset? Basically WHAT MAKES them so unlikable and worthy of hatred?


4 years ago

@Swagoku666: All of the above. "Hatred" only applies when the lower races and castes encroach where they are not wanted. The idea of "equality" was ONLY INTENDED when in court or when conducting honest business. The idea that everybody is of equal value, socially and culturally, represents a malignant infection of the Jew Mind Virus. The Indians, themselves, know full well that a nearly feral Chandala or Shudra is not as desirable as a Vaisha, Kshatriya, or Brahmin. The Vedas are CLEAR on that! The upper castes ARE taught to be presentable, clean, and civilized. The distinction between the races is true all over the world. The darker the race, the more prone it is to undesirable behavior. This harsh truth is most visible when comparing dark racial neighborhoods to all-White neighborhoods. The Truth is undeniable.... and nothing is more infuriating to the JEW than the Truth.

4 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: i agree with "not everyone is equal" but the thing about this whole "JEw Card" is that Amr Metwally is also a "jew"


4 years ago

@Swagoku666: Amr M. may claim that he's "Jewish" but, he is not a JEW aka Zionist Jew. His background is clearly tempered by his Muslim upbringing and ancestry. Even more importantly, he is doing good work by promoting MGTOW and all things related to it. His works reveal a superior spiritual force that is keeping the Jew part of him well under control.


4 years ago

What you think will happen amar? Do you think the israel will be destroyed? I wanna know your opinion?

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