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Сanada labels Russia’s actions in Ukraine ‘genocide’
Canada’s lower house of parliament has stated that Russia’s military special operation in Ukraine amounts to genocide, despite the UN’s claims it has not observed a genocide in Ukraine. And also despite the reports of Ottawa’s alleged historically perpetrated genocide against Indigenous people and thousands unmarked children graves found on the grounds of Canada’s residential schools. <br> <br>----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br>Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. <br>Follow us on Facebook: <br>Follow us on Telegram: <br>Follow us on Twitter:
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3 years ago
Canuckistan was willfully blind to the crimes done by the Zionist Jew crime syndicate in Kiev. (((THEY))) were terrorizing the Russian people in the eastern part of the country and committing all manner of human rights violations. Ukraine is a Zionist cess pit of corruption and safe place for Jewish crime. Putin held off taking action so as not to distract attention from the Beijing Olympics. Meanwhile, Russians in the Donbas region were being murdered by Jewish terrorists under orders from Zelensky and his Tribe in Kiev.
NOW THE STUPID CANUCKS (and even more idiotic Americans) are all worked up over Putin's war to rescue east Ukraine.
What should have been a quick victory has bogged down for many reasons. Putin has limited his scope of attack and he is in a stalemate because Ukraine is getting resupplied by ZOG-NATO. He should cut off the ZOG-NATO supply lines by heavy aerial bombing of all roads and railroads crossing the border in western Ukraine. He should use his older Tu-95 Bear bombers and LOTS of free fall bombs for that. The cost would be very low as it is using older bombs and risking only the old Tu-95's. The random destruction of the roads and surrounding areas would make road repair and detours very difficult.