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Pineapple Express Exposes Inept Military Leadership | Grunt Speak Highlights
When retired veterans have to bail out the people left for dead in a war zone, something is rotten in Washington DC.
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4 years ago
College ROTC, as a source for new ossifers, needs to be eliminated. How can you get good officers from hopelessly corrupt institutions? America's institutions of Higher Education are totally Judaized and full of Woke shit. This has been going on for DECADES actually and our colleges were in a crisis condition in the 1980's. But,now the corpse of ZOG education is dead and stinking up the place.
We are seeing the fall of America in REAL TIME.
One would think that Annapolis and West Point would be sheltered from the Jew Mind Virus but, even those institutions are polluted. Those military colleges were once wells that our Armed Forces drank from and received new blood. Yet, those wells are poisoned. In medieval times, Jews poisoned the water wells. In modern times, Jews poison the institutions that society drinks from. The dead bodies of fallen institutions are everywhere. And TRUST itself, the very life air of a healthy society, is poisoned.
Jews still poison the wells.
4 years ago
"Starship Troopers" (the book) for the win
4 years ago
4 years ago
It makes no sense what you say, it doesn't match reality.
Why would a COMMUNIST state ever promote MERITOCRACY in their army? they are the absolute opposite.
They stand for equality AGAINST any natural selection or hard work.
To be honest, it's absurd. SOCIALIST regimes are famous for their internal loyalty purges.
4 years ago
4 years ago
It is reminiscent of "I am the very model of a modern major-general" in the Pirates of Penzance. We remind everyone that it was a product of some particularly satire of Gilbert and Sullivan. United States Generals are the laughingstock of China and the Taliban. Pretty sure Russia isn't much impressed either. You had one job: Defend your country. Incompetent. No integrity. Honestly, this is insane.
Or perhaps, more aptly, especially for the Admirals, they polished up the handle on the front door:
Either way, thoroughly modern Milley is a joke, unfit for protecting us. Let's hope he can't protect his career as he attempts to understand white rage. We know white rage. That's what we have towards him.
4 years ago
Not born in America? deport!
4 years ago