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⁣The Brave Browser Won't Pay Me My $10,000 Dollars - MGTOW

549 Views • 12/16/20
3,118 Subscribers

⁣The Brave Browser Won't Pay Me My $10,000 Dollars - MGTOW

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This is a quick update about why you're not seeing Brave ads on my channel as well as all the channels I used to advertise my referral link on. First off the program ended on November 23rd. Before it ended Brave invited me to keep promoting them in October but then banned my account saying that I was impersonating them. Even though they had no issues with my ads for over a year and I cleared them with them back in the fall of 2019. So they got my hopes up that I could continue only to suspend me with no warning and keep 2 months worth of crypto earnings without paying them out to me. While I obviously don't agree with what they did I expect tech companies to betray me. I guess my Zuck the Cuck ad was so good that people thought I was actually working for them or something. Even YouTube still owes me thousands of dollars that I'll never see after they demonetized me. Luckily I converted all the basic attention token that Brave paid me to into Bitcoin. Their crypto is flat to down after Bitcoin has been going up. They might turn into one of those shitcoins that Max Keiser refers to because if you look at their growth it's been steady or flattening the last six months. For them to become successful and see the network effect take hold in their business they need exponential growth and not linear growth. So that's why I dump their crypto and it doesn't surprise me that they cancelled their referral program. I was hoping that it would last another six months or more but I can't really complain because as TFM always says you need to look at internet money as found money and not something you can rely on. The Brave browser is a good product but it's slow adoption could kill it. From this graph you can also see that I'm not going to see the referrals for October and November that I gave them. But you can see that I sent them over ten thousand users. I think that the Brave browser is a good product but I think the company is in trouble. If anyone has any affiliate programs you think would be worth of sponsoring please leave them in the comments. Besides informing everyone about what happened if you want to help me the best thing you can do is subscribe to my LBRY page which I've linked to in the description. I started posting my content over there two weeks ago. They have an App for your phone and so does Bitchute with their Bitslide app. Also thank you to the mystery person that sent me a 11,000 LBRY Token tip. The more views I get there the better and means I won't have to depend on donations which have been drying up recently. I'll also probably start doing live-streaming on Bitchute. Maybe fifteen or thirty minutes per day. Look at the insane growth of Bitchute's website recently. So alt tech is really starting to heat up and I can't wait until people start doing live streams on Bitchute as that will make the platform grow even more popular. So that's my quick update. Again follow me on LBRY which is also known as Odyssee and watch me over there because it will help me out a lot at this tough time. Plus I had to pay all the channels that advertised Brave for October and November and that money is long gone. Anyways, enjoy the rest of your day and cheers!

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26 Comments sort Sort By
4 years ago

I can't wait when bitchute have a live streaming service


4 years ago

I use Brave, I just never cared about the tokens. I'm still suspicious of Bitcoin. Tempting as hell watching it skyrocket the last 9 months but it smells like a honeypot to me. All it would take is one bad event to take it to zero. Also, isn't the point of blockchain that it's distributed and decentralized. If Brave can hit the kill switch then it doesn't sound like it's anything more than a clever marketing ploy pretending to be a blockchain when it's actually centralized.

I don't trust the elites who run this world and I'm suspicious that there isn't some backdoor and they just haven't brought the hammer down on cryptos. Call me conspiratorial but it could just be another way to destroy the average person's wealth in the long run. There's a steady trend for decades of concentration of wealth especially in 2020.


4 years ago

@MrA_H0Ie: I don't actually know for certain of a scenario where it would go to zero. It's more my pessimistic bent. But as it's based on confidence in the integrity of its data I'm not entirely confident about that. I work in IT so I don't believe anything is fullproof.


4 years ago

@MrA_H0Ie: I'll keep it in mind. Currently I'm looking at moving to a rural community in Canada but if things go full fascist I'm thinking pouring my money into bitcoin, buggering off to some central american country and living as long as I can off my money.


4 years ago

@MrA_H0Ie: I have to do more research. I kind of understand it but I'd like to wrap my head around it before I dive in.


4 years ago

@MrA_H0Ie: Thanks for your replies. I had to look up Byzantine Generals Problems and as luck would have it I landed on a Mike Maloney explanation and I've been a big fan of his for years including watching his documentary The Hidden History of Money which was excellent. I lean more towards gold but it's not practical if you're trying to flee your country haha. Plus it can always be confiscated or stolen. I'd thought about storing in Switzerland. Crypto is appealing as you can cross borders with it.


4 years ago

@Trevor : Central banks will be using their own crypto currency. No more cash jobs, you might not have to do tax returns since the government can see every transaction.


4 years ago

@MrA_H0Ie: I'm assuming there won't be any having but rather unlimited currency creation.


4 years ago

@MrA_H0Ie: banks have notoriously bad security. The banking cartel in Canada unilaterally created a new set of rules back in March absolving themselves if any responsibility for Canadian accounts being compromised. I cancelled my RBC credit card. Scum of the earth.


4 years ago

@MrA_H0Ie: yeah exactly. The built in having that bitcoin goes through. Limited money supply is anathema to the crooked money creators in the central banks. They can call it crypto if they want but it'll just be digital currency which will still be used to debase the currency and impoverish people.

4 years ago

Brave wants users to show their IRL ID’s and all of my BAT tokens are gone since my last device wasn’t backed up. Even if I wanted those tokens to be useful, Brave wants me to dox myself to access the wallet and I always hated them for it. You should always have the option to be anonymous when dealing with crypto, so Brave is suspicious as Hell. I always liked your ads though Sandman, your Zuck the cuck ads were hilarious. Hahahaha.

4 years ago

Hey everybody bravo browse is the best be sure to visit their site and register. .oh hey everybody bravo browse sucks. .lol. WHAT? WHAAT! heh.. make up your mind. wtf..


4 years ago

Most likely because you were promoting on other's people's channel, not your own. lol You got too greedy as usual, you don't really care about men you care about money but that's nothing new.

4 years ago

I was doing it for over a year with zero issues.


4 years ago

@Sandman: That isn't the point, they probably didn't know. You complained about not getting donations while you were making big money off the brave browser. LBRY is no different.


4 years ago

@Sandman: Brave told me they are going to contact you to resolve the issue. You should wait for the email.

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