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Fighting Off Your Depression For Ten Solid Minutes
Fighting Off Your Depression For Ten Solid Minutes 99nignogs 45 Visningar • 3 år sedan

No thanks needed. They say i need to fill in this field so here is a rocketship.

p.s. If you smiled at all hit the big pp energy button. Thanks my nignog. ✌️

How to date as a mgtow - secret agent strategy - leykis 101 preserved for posterity
How to date as a mgtow - secret agent strategy - leykis 101 preserved for posterity 99nignogs 87 Visningar • 3 år sedan

This is a clip from The Tom Leykis Show. Skip to 6:00 for the call but i suggest listening to the whole thing. This is for my mgtow brothers that want coochie without mairrage. Keep in mind this is from ~2008 and never use this strategy in New York state.

NSFW Woman Is Seething After This Prank Call
NSFW Woman Is Seething After This Prank Call 99nignogs 71 Visningar • 3 år sedan

This is Ned from the radio show "Bubba the love sponge." He makes prank calls and writes parody songs. I'll be uploading more of my favorites and things i want preserved for posterity.

Motivation Monday MGTOW MMM#1
Motivation Monday MGTOW MMM#1 99nignogs 54 Visningar • 4 år sedan


Gay choir wants to convert your children
Gay choir wants to convert your children 99nignogs 47 Visningar • 4 år sedan

they want to convert your children.

what else can i say besides a bunch of them were on the sex offender registry.

Latinos vs BLM
Latinos vs BLM 99nignogs 49 Visningar • 4 år sedan


Degeneracy- The Buck Stops Here MGTOW
Degeneracy- The Buck Stops Here MGTOW 99nignogs 75 Visningar • 4 år sedan

I dont want this to be my son.
Im confident deep down you feel the same.
Together we can stop the degeneracy in our society.
You and me friend; just the two of us.

Streamers Getting Trolled N-word Alert
Streamers Getting Trolled N-word Alert 99nignogs 118 Visningar • 4 år sedan

if you go around making enemies as a live streamer;
youre bound to get trolled.

Im impressed with the lengths they go to and the sheer dedication to trolling.
My hat is off to them.

#2 Brutally Roasting Wannabe Pornstars 18+ NSFW
#2 Brutally Roasting Wannabe Pornstars 18+ NSFW 99nignogs 72 Visningar • 4 år sedan

?thought you boys would like a pt2?

Brutally roasting wannabe pornstars 18+ NSFW
Brutally roasting wannabe pornstars 18+ NSFW 99nignogs 412 Visningar • 4 år sedan

these clips are from

Gore Parade 18+ NSFL
Gore Parade 18+ NSFL 99nignogs 45 Visningar • 4 år sedan

Welcome to the Gore Parade

Columbus knife girl shooting video
Columbus knife girl shooting video 99nignogs 28 Visningar • 4 år sedan

just wiped out tomato town.?

18+ The Path Of PAIN NSFL
18+ The Path Of PAIN NSFL 99nignogs 28 Visningar • 4 år sedan


Brian Quinn - Master of Confidence
Brian Quinn - Master of Confidence 99nignogs 56 Visningar • 4 år sedan

Look at her. She cant even hear a word he is saying. Lmaoooooo

WTF Collection NSFW
WTF Collection NSFW 99nignogs 113 Visningar • 4 år sedan

song is body movin by the beastie boys fatboy slim remix.


The Good the Bad and the Stupid
The Good the Bad and the Stupid 99nignogs 156 Visningar • 4 år sedan

wholesome videos and stupid people compilation

The Ugly Reality of Black Culture in America
The Ugly Reality of Black Culture in America 99nignogs 319 Visningar • 4 år sedan

stop the glorification of violence.
Reject. Degeneracy.
Stop the cancer.

NSFW 18+ leg injury compilation
NSFW 18+ leg injury compilation 99nignogs 55 Visningar • 4 år sedan

Nothing makes me more thankful for my legs than seeing other people's get rekt.

Now go take a walk.
If you still can....

The absolute definition of a free man.
The absolute definition of a free man. 99nignogs 78 Visningar • 4 år sedan

"What are you doing man?"

"Good things."

This man is my hero.

Woman gets a mouth full of equality.
Woman gets a mouth full of equality. 99nignogs 234 Visningar • 4 år sedan


the man is a savage.

the song is- step two by jarv

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