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Who Knew- ? South Africa ?? Celebrating ? 40% Drop In A Week And Life BACK TO NORMAL
Who Knew- ? South Africa ?? Celebrating ? 40% Drop In A Week And Life BACK TO NORMAL mrghoster 45 Views • 3 years ago

Funny how the West (We know who)? Didn't want to mention South Africa's Omicron massive infection drop? 40% in fact nearly dropped by HALF?

Fighting Off Your Depression For Ten Solid Minutes
Fighting Off Your Depression For Ten Solid Minutes 99nignogs 45 Views • 3 years ago

No thanks needed. They say i need to fill in this field so here is a rocketship.

p.s. If you smiled at all hit the big pp energy button. Thanks my nignog. ✌️

Leave The West Before It's Too Late - MGTOW
Leave The West Before It's Too Late - MGTOW Sandman 358 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: MGTOW Books


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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to cover the idea of leaving the west, most specifically the English speaking western countries because of Covaids. America, Australia The UK, Ireland and Canada which seem to be pushing vaxx passports. I've decided that I'm going to stay in Canada without getting the jab. If the situation ever shows up that I have to get vaxx passports to travel in my car from province to province then I'll think about going off to Alberta because it's the most conservative and if people there don't fight this then they won't anywhere. If that doesn't work then I could always slip into the USA as an illegal from Canada and the USA doesn't force illegals to get jabbed. But right not the border is closed for car traffic from Canadians going to the states. The only way on a plane and out of the country is with a jab. I've seen a few videos already working this like one from Coach Red Pill which I put in the description where he was telling everyone to sell all of their assets and put their money into cash. I thought that was an awful idea with inflation running hot. Selling all of the assets that protect you against inflation and putting all your money into cash which is losing 5-15% purchasing power a year depending on what you plan on purchasing with it. He could have at least said keep some of it in Crypto or other assets. Just because you leave Canada or the USA doesn't mean you can't continue to use your bank accounts and brokerage accounts for now. If the government changes their policies and you need a jab to have money in the bank they will most likely give you notice before unbanking you. If they don't there will be economic chaos as people can't pay their rents and buy food. So if my bank tells me I can't have a bank account without a jab I'll find one that doesn't require it. There will be payment processors that service the unjabbed. If there aren't then it's time to go 100% crypto including stable coins. Right now where I'm living about 11 percent of the adult population hasn't gotten their shot yet. Will the government try and get 100% compliance in the next year or two? I don't know. But I do know that in the states places like Wyoming, North Dakota, Lousiana and Montana don't even have fifty percent of their populations not getting the covaids jab. Those places are right next to Alberta and I can see those US and Canadian provinces teaming up. My biggest problem was that I'm on medication that's literally keeping me alive right now. Without it I'm in so much pain that I get IBS from 24 hour pain and food just runs through my system. I lost ten pounds in a month last summer from the pain. This video was a bit of a relief for me because I found that I can buy that medication online without a prescription. So technically I can leave Canada and am not reliant on a doctor to give me the prescription. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor MGTOW Book Collection Part 2:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

How to date as a mgtow - secret agent strategy - leykis 101 preserved for posterity
How to date as a mgtow - secret agent strategy - leykis 101 preserved for posterity 99nignogs 87 Views • 3 years ago

This is a clip from The Tom Leykis Show. Skip to 6:00 for the call but i suggest listening to the whole thing. This is for my mgtow brothers that want coochie without mairrage. Keep in mind this is from ~2008 and never use this strategy in New York state.

NSFW Woman Is Seething After This Prank Call
NSFW Woman Is Seething After This Prank Call 99nignogs 70 Views • 3 years ago

This is Ned from the radio show "Bubba the love sponge." He makes prank calls and writes parody songs. I'll be uploading more of my favorites and things i want preserved for posterity.

Motivation Monday MGTOW MMM#1
Motivation Monday MGTOW MMM#1 99nignogs 54 Views • 3 years ago


Gay choir wants to convert your children
Gay choir wants to convert your children 99nignogs 47 Views • 3 years ago

they want to convert your children.

what else can i say besides a bunch of them were on the sex offender registry.

Latinos vs BLM
Latinos vs BLM 99nignogs 49 Views • 3 years ago


My Story (a story)
My Story (a story) OniriumSage 20 Views • 3 years ago

A short 20 minutes story of a rare alternate solution to not needing wheymen for enjoying feels.

America's White Supremacy Problem (Extended)
America's White Supremacy Problem (Extended) Drums McBashington 26 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣Tony Heller

Degeneracy- The Buck Stops Here MGTOW
Degeneracy- The Buck Stops Here MGTOW 99nignogs 75 Views • 3 years ago

I dont want this to be my son.
Im confident deep down you feel the same.
Together we can stop the degeneracy in our society.
You and me friend; just the two of us.

#2 Brutally Roasting Wannabe Pornstars 18+ NSFW
#2 Brutally Roasting Wannabe Pornstars 18+ NSFW 99nignogs 72 Views • 3 years ago

?thought you boys would like a pt2?

Brutally roasting wannabe pornstars 18+ NSFW
Brutally roasting wannabe pornstars 18+ NSFW 99nignogs 412 Views • 3 years ago

these clips are from

Gore Parade 18+ NSFL
Gore Parade 18+ NSFL 99nignogs 45 Views • 3 years ago

Welcome to the Gore Parade

Columbus knife girl shooting video
Columbus knife girl shooting video 99nignogs 28 Views • 3 years ago

just wiped out tomato town.?

18+ The Path Of PAIN NSFL
18+ The Path Of PAIN NSFL 99nignogs 28 Views • 3 years ago


Brian Quinn - Master of Confidence
Brian Quinn - Master of Confidence 99nignogs 56 Views • 3 years ago

Look at her. She cant even hear a word he is saying. Lmaoooooo

WTF Collection NSFW
WTF Collection NSFW 99nignogs 113 Views • 3 years ago

song is body movin by the beastie boys fatboy slim remix.


The Good the Bad and the Stupid
The Good the Bad and the Stupid 99nignogs 156 Views • 3 years ago

wholesome videos and stupid people compilation

NSFW 18+ Silly Black People Compilation
NSFW 18+ Silly Black People Compilation 99nignogs 79 Views • 4 years ago

the song is- in the jungle by rucka rucka ali.
graphic content beware.

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