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A Clockwork Orange

12 vistas • 07/31/23

A classic amongst the classics.

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Mark E
Mark E
2 años hace

Great movie!


Despite the seemingly idiotic gang, the thick plot lines and interweaving stories and consequences were brilliant... I want to go see this when I was 10 - but my parents refused "Oh noes it's not suitable for children (Rated R for Restrcted) and there was nothing really wrong with the movie, there were other movies that were truly disturbing.... "Silent Running" with the hippy in the space ship suiciding, and "Dr Phibes" and "Dr Phibes Rises Again" - with Vincent Price... Especially where he poled the boat off into the Egyptian underworld at the end... into the darkness... I think many adults (the censcorship board) underestimate children's ability to comprehend things and ll the stuff they said, "R Rated" adults only - there was never any content in them, that was genuinely disturbing... But there was plenty of things in "Normal family safe movies" that were off the deep end... like they were not bad... but the concepts were deeply troubling..... Have you seen this movie? "Eraser Head" It's just a movie, a manufactured product... people pretending to be someone they are not in a situation that does not exist - and nothing really much happens...... But fuck it - for the next two weeks after watching it, I just wanted to go off to the psych hospital for a few months of time out... It had that effect on a lot of people... And it not from anything from in the movie, it's from having seen the movie..... And the movie "Wake in Fright" - not scarey - but REAL LIFE type situations with real types of events... acted out in a movie... There are scenes in that that involve drinking and consentual activities... Uggghhhh Don't want to be there, don't want to know about it....

Mark E
Mark E
2 años hace

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Dr Phibes" and "Dr Phibes Rises Again were CLASSICS!... That being said, I'd like to know who the people are that sit in darkened rooms and quietly come up with movie ratings. I'll bet there a bunch of real assholes. But my mother was the exact same way about R rated movies, especially horror movies!


@bigintol03: Yeah some horror movies are really disturbing... Like Friday the 13th... Yeah the usual gore and nastyness... that is one thing... but what disturbed me was the idea of dead people and things coming back to life... and that dead kid in the bottom of the lake - coming up to get you.... I mean I used to swim in deep lakes and quarries that had a few meters of water in them and then it was just weeds all the way down... And the ideas of why might be laying down in amongst that shit... out of view... Did you ever see Reanimator? The magic lotion that brings the dead back to life..... Tripped me out... So this whole censorship thing... It's not the person beingstabbed to death in the shower... it's their dead body coming back to life and chasing people down the hallway... The dark thing hidden in the dark room with the door halfway open.....

Mark E
Mark E
2 años hace

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Yes,I did see "Reanimator"...CLASSIC! Have you ever seen "From Byond"?

Mark E
Mark E
2 años hace

@bigintol03: Also, "Return of the living dead"?


@bigintol03: Some zombie movies are just slash and shoot festivals.... Not a HUGE fan of gore porn horror movies... "From Beyond"? I'll have a look at it - Yeah seen it... not that thrilled with it... Probably skip watched it... boredom.


@bigintol03: I thought watching the entire series of "Hell Raiser" from end to end, was good, more from the aspect of theatrical production and story weaving. But seeing people ripped up and mutilated for fun - not on my agenda.....

Mark E
Mark E
2 años hace

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Agreed, the first Hell Raiser was the best!


@bigintol03: They were actually pretty good "stories" and sort of extreme fetishism turned Satanic... off the wall crazy... You know there are times I can perform surgical things... and times when I see say someone with a needing performing a blood test... And I don't want to exactly shoot myself in the head at the blood test - but I don't want to be there either. So but in my looking for a singles meet up - there is a sector of the community into extreme acting out - really nasty violent and surgical kinds of proceedures on others... and I just wanted to hunt them down and kill them... Plain old sex is just fine by me. After all it's about gene transfer and conception and helping your children to become interdependant adults in a community....

Mark E
Mark E
2 años hace

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I read that the director of the Hell Raiser movies (Clive Barker) was a faggot, and that's where all the fetish stuff came from!


@bigintol03: Unless he provides me the evidence I kind of pass. There is too much gossip about too many people, about too many things... of which I choose not to listen too.... I have enough of my own buisness to mind.

Mark E
Mark E
2 años hace

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I didn't mean to say (fetish) I ment black leather and bondage stuff!


@bigintol03: That is what fetish is.... any abnomal or experience enhancing event or add on or intensifier... Plain sex PLUS.

2 años hace

Much thanks mate!

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