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As dating disasters Jana Hocking and Amy Horton hit 40+, things get weird.
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3:09 "...maybe a present."
I'll tell you what "present" you would get from me. It's my Richard in a box.
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Never believe numbers females say. They are not making a logical deduction. They are spewing these outrageous numbers, because females Feel the numbers makes them high value. They have no understanding about those numbers except how the numbers make them feel.
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Those women asking for six figures; do any one of them have ZERO sexual experiences? Of those virgins (HA!) are they willing to be submissive wives?
It's vastly easier to be a worthy woman to a "high value" man, than it is to be a "high value" man to an unworthy woman.
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Prostitute, Hooker or Whore
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BB, what do you expect from lazy, worthless Millennials and Generation Zeros?!?!?! They don't have any morals.
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