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Ask a Psychopath - What are some things you've done?
What are some things you've done as a result of your psychopathy? <br> <br>Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight <br>by M.E. Thomas <br>Available in Paperback and Kindle <br> <br> <br>TRANSCRIPT <br>What are some things you've done as a <br>result of your psychopathy? <br> <br>Sometimes when I think about these <br>stories, these Guilt stories, I don't know <br>what people would feel guilt about so I <br>do have a little bit of mind blindness <br>There. You know like I I've never lived <br>the life of somebody who feels this <br>empathy, this guilt, and so I don't <br>know what might trigger it. <br> <br>I've never <br>really felt anything for animals <br>you know. I've never had a pet or <br>ever felt like a connection to animals. <br>I've never tortured animals. I <br>know you know some Psychopaths do torture animals for <br>various reasons but I never was <br>one of those that tortured animals. There was, however, <br>one time I was teaching swimming lessons and <br>I went out saw that there was this baby <br>opossum in the water. It was <br>just struggling to try <br>to get out of the pool and I thought the <br>baby opossum must have fallen in the <br>pool during the night or in the early <br>morning and now he's trying to get out. <br>But I also thought an opossum is a <br>pest and I don't want this opossum around me. <br>If I fish the opossum out then who <br>knows what he's going to do. Even domesticated animals can kind <br>of turn on you especially when they feel <br>like they're kind of in that fight or <br>flight kind of moment so I was like, I'll <br>just drown the opossum. What I did is I <br>just got a hose and just kept <br>hosing him so he's trying to get up <br>and I'm just trying to drown him <br>with the hose and I do that for <br>five minutes and he's he's actually a <br>trooper this baby opossum and so I <br>thought, this is not working. I figured I'll just <br>cancel the swimming lesson and just go <br>off and do something else, you know, go to <br>the beach for that afternoon. <br>I think maybe that seems cold-hearted to <br>people the way I went about it <br>but that's just kind of an interesting thing too - we're <br>socialized to certain things. <br>Different things are cold-hearted to different people and I <br>guess I am just immune to socialization <br>in general. <br> <br>Another <br>example that stands out to me is <br>I was living in Los Angeles and it <br>would have been a <br>12-unit apartment complex. It was kind of <br>a nice apartment complex and I was an <br>attorney at the time and I was <br>making well into the six <br>figures and so it was very <br>comfortable for me to pay the rent. But I <br>noticed that my neighbors across from me <br>were driving like 1980s 1990s <br>Civics. Both of them were driving these <br>old Civics and I thought <br>I wonder how these people are paying <br>rent? I thought of it sometimes and I also <br>noticed, since they parked <br>right next to me, that they had these two <br>bikes that were collecting dust. I had <br>a friend visit me one weekend and I <br>thought let's go biking. And I thought, <br>well I have my bike but I don't have a <br>bike for you and I don't want to have <br>to drive somewhere and rent a bike because it's very inconvenient. I figured we should just <br>take my neighbors’ bikes. So I went down <br>and I pumped up the air and the <br>seats had dust on them - I mean they <br>clearly hadn't been ridden for years and <br>they were just little cheap Schwinn bikes <br>you know probably $100 or something. <br>So we bike and we come back several <br>hours later–we bike to the beach and it was great, it was fun. And then in <br>the evening I get this knock on the door <br>and I go answer it. Luckily it was me who answered and <br>not my roommate at the time because I answer <br>it and it's my neighbor and she said: you <br>know my bikes were missing earlier and <br>we were looking all over for them <br>and then we noticed that they were <br>replaced. Do you know what <br>happened with the bikes? I said yes, I <br>borrowed your bike and I <br>took it to the beach with my friend. Color drained from my neighbor’s <br>face–she was so angry at me. She <br>was like, why would you do something like <br>that and I'm gonna call the police and <br>that's theft. And I said it's probably <br>not theft technically - if anything it's <br>conversion, the tort of conversion, and <br>you'd have to sue me in small claims <br>court and I don't think the damages <br>would be very high because I just took <br> the bikes for several hours. <br>That was kind of my reaction but she <br>was livid. <br> <br>The thing that people <br>find most shocking about the <br>book is when I say that I'm probably <br>smarter than the person reading the book. I find that to be an unusual <br>reaction for that to be the <br>most shocking thing in the book. It <br>surprised me, I didn't understand why <br>people would feel that way because that's <br>just statistically true. I mean I score <br>in the 99th percentile on all <br>standardized tests. Maybe there's been once or twice when I haven't <br>scored the 99th percentile <br>even on graduate school tests. <br> <br>View full transcript: <br>
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