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Australia: The Horrifying Dystopia, The Down Under Landscape Turned Full Blown Tyranny
41 Lượt xem
• 12/05/21
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Jess Sosnoski
200 Người đăng ký
Australia: The Horrifying Dystopia, The Down Under Landscape Turned Full Blown Tyranny
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3 năm trước kia
If you want to STOP all this you hit them where it hurt's, in the Wallet and the balance sheet? Stop buying branded Corporate shit, make and repair stuff, and most importantly "Get the FUCK out of Debt" You can starve these asshole to death by cutting of their supply - MONEY! just buy the bare essentials and steer clear of TECH as well, simplify your lifestyle, stop being selfish, and think of you responsibility to other's? Less is more, I know it works.
3 năm trước kia
Like the police when the Oppressor's have wanked the media dry to their own purpose then the media WILL also be abused and oppressed, and the Public WILL NOT have any sympathy. In this Covid thing where are the Armies that are supposed to protect and support us? In the UK a few weeks ago the UK Government told the Army to drive Petrol tankers due to Government implicated fuel shortages. Onwe ehigh ranking Military person told the PM basically NOT to bring the military into their scam and most of the pumps were open in a day or two and not a grey military reserve tanker was seen?
The UK Police in the last 2 years have been total CUNT's Crime is going on un attended whilst they fart around arresting the public for breaking rules on covid that are NOT even LAW?
how many of you readi9ng this will know that a MANDATE, is NOT LAW it is only a RECOMMENDATION you have the choice to accept or reject , and you are NOT breaking the law either. source - the reference book "Black's Law".
3 năm trước kia
Yep! TRUE, just 3'5% of any population stands up against the oppressor, the oppressor will fall, and hopefully heads will be on spikes. The public seriously need to harden up and stop being SELFISH. We need to BITE BACK in a way that will leave these asshole wounded indefinetely
3 năm trước kia
Don't the Police lakies realize that when they have us then our families they WILL come for you and you families as well. Don't think because you wear a Government sanction Bully By Uniform you will be exempt from the Tyranny, because you wont be. when they have got what they want out of YOU they WILL turn on YOU as well. and if you think the people you bullied and abused are going to help you? think again. I've personally made an oath to myself, that I wouldn't piss on an authoritarian if they were on fire.
3 năm trước kia
This tyranny will come to us all, If we don't stop believing in the lie that is Covid. there is NO VIRUS, If there were then their would be millions of bodies piled in the streets. a friend of mine who recently passed away through Cancer, said when he was in Hospital and the people that visited said the place was EMPTY? There is NO VIRUS, WAKE UP, USE YOU FUCKING COMMON SENSE. It'a ASSHOLES that believe their is a virus with no evidence that will kill ME and kill YOU as well you dumb FUCKING retards.
Covid 19 is a psy-op to force use all into control and obedience to insane power crazed madmen who want your soul. Make of that what you want? But PLEASE FUCKING WAKE UP.