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Dating Beta Females - MGTOW
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Colby and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, It’s Colby. You previously did a video titled “21 year old Asian”. You were very accurate, and I have since studied a lot of psychology, sociology, as well as learning about the dark triad. I went to therapy to get some answers from a less biased source about things I was noticing about myself. He told me that I have “sociopathic tendencies” and since then I’ve noticed more and more how right he was. I bring this up to give some background info why I think what I’m doing now is interesting. I would like to know what you think about my latest experiments. At first I decided to go monk and I found that pretty easy to do. So then I thought it would be interesting to start the pump and dump to see if this was difficult to find my actual smv. It turned out I was quite high up, so I decided to stop doing that and find a long term subject to explore. This is not me blue pilling or looking for validation. I found a girl that dropped out of high school and was below me financially, and intellectually. Being that I have sociopathic tendencies I’m quite manipulative, so I’d say I’m pretty equal in manipulation ability. I also enjoy the games/shit testing to see what types of behavior cause different reactions. I think all men should try to do this as it’s very enlightening, nothing shows more clearly how female nature really is than being the alpha in the dynamic. I control her to a ridiculous level, I have all passwords, her banking info, gps tracking must remain available to me, she must ask permission to leave her apt, etc. I do not have any end “goal” here other than to see how long she can remain behaving within the parameters I’ve set. This has been going on a bit over 6 months. Do you find this interesting? Is there anything you think would be interested in me incorporating to see what happens? The most impactful experience was a time when she started to talk back to me/complain and I told her that was unacceptable and if she wanted to be with me to never do it again, she has not so far. The weird part is her immediately switching, I’m impressed she’s been in chameleon mode for this long with how strict I am. Another interesting story is when she one tried to use sex as a bribe for going to a zoo she likes. I put a hard stop and explained that I don’t want to be with a prostitute. The interesting part is that she will never use sex as a weapon nor a punishment. It seems to have flipped where she begs me. I do not expect this to last however. Also I should note that when we met she was 19 and I was 25. I do not think this is wise to do with women older than twenty as she seems to treat me like a father figure at times, although she does and has have her father in her life." Well Colby the man with the name that rhymes with Dolby thanks for the donation and topic. Just telling me about your story ended up explaining a lot about the two major adult relationships I had in my life where I was with women that had lower sexual marketplace value. I suspect I was trying to cheat the gods of their pound of flesh by getting together with women that couldn't bitch as much as the beautiful ones. I suspect that to some extent you're bargaining with reality and getting sexual gratification while also cheating by hacking your way into a 19 year old hynie. I'll get to my thoughts about you intentionally dating what amounts to a beta female in a moment so that you can seemingly have control of that thought in a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:
10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.
Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""
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לִפנֵי 5 שנים
Interesting I’d like to see where this goes and how far.
לִפנֵי 5 שנים
She's got Betty Davis eyes... .. Nope. She's got methamphetamine eyes. Pupils don't lie.Or she just left the eye doctor.