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Just see how their Facial Expressions changed because of one Word

211 Ansichten • 02/18/21

This is Kat Boy Kimmie, and I like him... He does a great job of testing the shallowness of people - and their inability to think, couples with their cultural brain washing.

⁣Contravening the cultural indoctrination.
i.e. Nigger comes from Nigre (french) and it means BLACK, and it might tie in with black people from Nigeria... There is a multiplicity of language and historical reasons and issues.... But WHERE is the rule that ONLY "Niggers" can say, "Hey Nigger" to each other, but white people cannot? And why do people "follow the unwritten rule" - even to the point that if the niggers are saying, "Yo Nigger" all the time to each other, but if a "Whitey" says it, it's racist. How about just fuck playing that bullshit game and just fucking talk anyway...

It's like my pet hates - cultural indoctrination. For instance, we DO need standards because it is just easier to get along and get things done - like calling animals / meat, lamb, pigs / pork, cattle / beef, etc.

But have you ever wondered WHY you MUST call gatherings of them, different names, for the different species?

For example, "A school of fish / a pod of whales / a flock of geese / a pack of wolves / a herd of sheep etc., when the is NO reason for it, except the"You Must" because "it's the correct way" - when it's not. There is NO reason to use any term in a very specific way, to descibe a gathering of a specific type of animals.

Why the fuck should there be this artificially created demarkation with the description of them / us, as in whites, blacks, reds and yellows - and the variations of these identifiers.... racially there are huge differences between us, so why are we not questioning and challenging the programming, the brain washing, "Yo Nigger" and "Yo White Boy" - and all the other variants of races and descriptions.

Why are we playing this fools game of political correctness?

When Kat Boy Kimmie, creates his own script, which is different to their politically correct indoctrination, they lose their fucking minds.

So on with sending the psychotics off to the psych hospital for calling a group of whales a flock or a pack, or a herd of whales, instead of a pod...

And people calling each other names - there is even scribbling on the walls of Pompai, of people calling each other shitty names, long before the city was buried by the volcano.

As an extension to the issue, this is the basis for the crazy of the Social Justice Warriors and their fucking pronouns..... him / her - Mr. / Mrs. - boy / girl - man / woman etc., anything much beyond that AND the expectation that you must adhere to the codified bullshit from the screeching crazies - they can just fuck right off.

"And the crown shall address me as, "Yo Nigger".

So get used to it.

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Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
4 Jahre vor

Racist but still hilarious at the same time, I don’t blame the modern day white supremacists because they’ve probably faced some form of anti whiteness, Not all African Americans are anti white socialists like the black supremacist thugs from BLM, If anybody deserves the N-Bomb, It should be RadicalziedNLM I mean BLM who deserves it.


Since there’s lots of white supremacy on the rise, The radicalized thugs are doing it to themselves by turning liberal white boys into alt-right proud boys.

4 Jahre vor

NationalSocialism isn't "radicalization", stupid fuck, is fight for survival.


4 Jahre vor

@jefovob555: if national socialsim is good, then why you dumbasses reject socialism ?


4 Jahre vor

NIGGER. Awesome word.

4 Jahre vor

Nigger isn't an insult per se. Comes from Nigeria and Niger. Blacks think that the term used to refer to their ancestors is an insult becuse they are easily manipulated by the jews.

4 Jahre vor

'Why the fuck should there be this artificially created demarkation with the description of them / us...'.

It could take a considerable amount of time to provision an exhaustive, comprehensive answer to that question.

Nonetheles, I proffer the pursuant.

In Nature, there are distinctions within a species.

Be such color, size, agility, or other traits, distinctions are the result of adaptation to the regional environ.

In humans, where distinctions do NOT exist, given their ability to think beyond instinct (in the abstract [consciousness]), many individuals--particularly those lacking any innate uncommon ability--seek to create distinction from others. Thus, such individuals adhere to any base distinction, appearance or geographical being the common (and preferred) base metrics, the preference for said metrics an identifier of lack of education, if not deficiency in intelligence.

Nonetheless, observable distinctions do exist, and designations are auto-emergent (no one has to teach a child that observable distinctions exist), and it is via designations that the individual is able to navigate the environ.

As to whether any respective distinction should be cause for designating a composition of a species as a class, well, that is--or rather, should be--the decision of the observer, Science being the more impartial methodology.


4 Jahre vor

It's called I.Q , Conscientiousness , and academic bias in the direction of the politicaly correct . You're welcome

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
4 Jahre vor

@AntiCuck82: Come on buddy why the hardship, I know that regardless race we may not see everything eye to eye. I do indeed support my black brothers like RareBreedTheory, Replicant Fish and the rest. I definitely understand the majority of African Americans are radicalized by the left and blm which... As a white man myself, I’m not gonna lie. I hate most of them who are radicalized anti-white thugs. Which MGTOW is also the cure to female induced male division based off race and can cure the liberal black supremacy thuggyness from black men. So plz let’s just be buddies.

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
4 Jahre vor

Even though I’m not quite R, I do understand thus I kind of empathize with the white supremacists because they understand what you’ve gone through the same thing I have going through.... Even though I do find dark humor in some racist stuff like Moonman my name is Parody. And even tom ching cheng hanji which I find very hilarious Even though I’m not quite R, I do understand thus I kind of empathize with the white supremacists because I understand what they’ve through the same thing I have going through.... Even though I do find dark humor in some racist stuff like Moonman my name is Parody. And even tom ching cheng hanji which I find very hilarious

4 Jahre vor

@AntiCuck82: I abhor the term, 'politically correct', as it is at its core nonsensical. Langue matters. Using terminology by those who intend to destroy any opposition to their ideology is the initial step to....conditioning.


4 Jahre vor

@anonmachina: thats exactly the WHY we have that term !

4 Jahre vor

@AntiCuck82: WhatcI implied is that, even using the actual term in conversation or writing can impair the thought process of the author/individual. The term is deliberately generalizing and nebulous, and thus, easily weaponized against nonconformists. It is best omitted from the vocabulary of the individual, along with other such terms ('woke', 'diversity', being equally perverse).

4 Jahre vor

I that they were unable to answer the question.

Joking. Sort of.


Yeah imagine if he had of said, "Whitey"... The horror.

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