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The DISGUSTING New Leftist Talking Point
50 Visualizações
• 01/02/23
140 Assinantes
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2 anos atrás
These black women sold out their men, murdered their unborn and now medically terrorize their children.. These are evil ugly females, no wonder their own Men will no longer have any thing to do with these rutting pigs.
2 anos atrás
She left out the damage to internal organs caused by said blockers. That’s always left out conveniently. They are effectively interfering with a developmental step, not delaying it. Any delay ( be it mental, physical or psychological) has a noticeable impact, so this is the ranting of a brainwashed moron that has very limited knowledge of how these things actually work.
2 anos atrás
Lets not play stupid here the ultimate goal in this deranged mindset is to destroy the population by destroing the ability of kids to mature in to nornal fertile adults.
2 anos atrás
This is a lie, if the child does puberty blockers they will not develop to the correct extent that they would have normally develop to, this will lead to micro penis and testicular atrofy/malformation/underdevelpment in men leading to i fertility. In women it will lead to smaller breasts or no breasts at all, and atrofy/malformation/underdevelpment of the uterous and ovaries leading to infertility.
2 anos atrás